The sorting ceremony

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As the train halted to a stop a loud booming voice was heard saying "first years over here!" "First years follow me", Felix knew it was Hagrid and so he and Harry went up to him and said hello. "Ah ello Felix, ello Harry" Hagrid said nothing more as he was trying to gather up the students. After that they followed him to boats where Felix, Alex and Aurora went to one and Harry, Ron and hermione went on the other.

Felix looked in awe as they were getting closer and closer to the castle and so on the tour Hagrid pointed out where his hut was and talked about the whomping willow and the forbidden forest.

After getting off at the boat house all the students went up to where Hagrid told them to wait for the headmistress.

While they were waiting, a blonde boy who was also a first year came up to Harry and said "well well well if it isn't Harry Potter, pleasure to meet you" "I'm Draco Malfoy" he looked over at Ron and said "red hair, hand me down clothes, you must be a Weasley" Felix could tell Ron immediately hated this Malfoy and Alex confronted him "don't go talking about my cousin like that"

"You have red hair too, but I don't see hand me down clothes, are you even a Weasley?" Alex tried swinging at Draco but Felix stopped him and that caught Draco's attention.

"And who might you be?" He asked

"The names Felix and you best stay away from any of my friends or I promise that I'll make your life a living hell"

Draco smirked and said "feisty one aren't you see you losers around"

Just as he said that the headmistress walked in and introduced herself as professor Mcgonagal and the Neville boy shouted "Trevor there you are!" His toad was right at the professors feet and so she gave him a disapproving look but went on about how they were ready to be sorted.

Everyone walked in and there was a hat which they called the sorting hat. As names were called out it finally came to the final few students. The Malfoy boy was sorted into slytherin. Then came hermione. "Hmm let's see where to put you?" the hat said "better be gryffindor!"

Ron was sorted into gryffindor immediately.

Harry with a request not to be put in slytherin got put in with Ron and hermione.

Alex was sorted into hufflepuff along with Aurora

Then Felix was last.

The hat seemed confused saying "I see you're smart yes indeed, but you've a knack for being troublesome. You also show some bravery as well. Hmm you're a tricky one indeed Mr Degurechaff" while the hat was thinking Felix then said "can I request a house like Harry?"

"Now what house would that be dear boy?" The hat asked


"Well then Hufflepuff it is!!" Said the hat

The Hufflepuff table erupted with a loud cheer, Felix could tell some of the Ravenclaw and Slytherin students were jealous as they knew Gryffindor and Hufflepuff had the two most famous wizards and could probably beat them out in anything.

The headmaster Dumbledore got up, introduced himself and the teachers then told them to eat and then head to the dorms.

AN: I don't normally make this request but be sure to recommend this story to your friends or anyone you know. I would greatly appreciate it.

Felix Degurechaff: The Second Boy who lived Where stories live. Discover now