Chapter 3: mysterious letters

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10 years later.

The Dursleys were horrible people and Felix could see it, they weren't as bad to him but they treated Harry very poorly and growing up with Harry, he was the only friend Felix ever had so whenever Dudley bullied Harry, Felix stood up to him and whenever that happened Felix would get lesser food portions which he didn't mind as he wasn't a big eater at all plus he could always sneak down and steal food without Vernon or Petunia ever knowing.

Harry and Felix both felt like they had magical powers or they could make things happen without them ever laying a finger on anything and it seemed to Felix that the Dursleys didn't like that for Harry but they didn't care about when Felix supposedly did it, one day after coming home from the Zoo Harry had told Felix that he was talking to a snake and then let it escape without ever going into the cage and he also trapped Dudley in there, Felix laughed at that but he could tell the parents weren't happy at all.

One day after retrieving the mail, Harry ran upstairs to the room that Felix was in and said "here this letter is for you" and rushed back downstairs.

Felix being a little confused looked at it and read it aloud "Felix Degurechaff, the upstairs bedroom 4 privet drive." "Huh I don't know how they know exactly where I'm staying but ok" he thought and so he opened it and it read that he was accepted to a school called hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry which Felix found absurd but he figured it would be better than the school he was going to.

He heard a commotion downstairs and went to go check it out and saw that Vernon was ripping up Harry's letter and left it at that.

The days following letters for Harry had been flowing in through the house and despite Vernon's attempts to block them they kept coming.

It got to the point where Vernon declared "we are moving away temporarily to where they can't find us, oh and you are taking care of this house boy!" He said to Felix as well.

Harry and the others left and Felix was left to look after the house which he was lonely until one night which was before midnight on Harry's birthday Felix heard a loud motorcycle outside and he looked out the window to see a large man about to come up to the door but Felix took out a bat to knock him out but before that ever happened the man simply took it out of Felix's hand and said "still feisty afer all these years aren't ya"

"Um who are you?" Felix asked

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid groundskeeper at hogwarts" he said

"Oh that's the place in my letter!"
Felix remarked

"It is, now if ya wanna rescue yor friend come with me"

Felix trusted Hagrid a little bit more knowing he was from this magical place so he hopped on the bike with Hagrid and set off to where he was.

AN: I'll try and get the story picking up soon and adding more dialogue as I go on but I wanted to skip a lot of the stuff with the Dursleys but I will add a lot of hogwarts stuff so stay tuned.

Felix Degurechaff: The Second Boy who lived Where stories live. Discover now