Journey to hogwarts

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September 1st came and the Dursleys happily sent Felix and Harry off. They went into kings cross and amidst all the chaos of people and trains they looked for where the express to hogwarts may be. "The ticket says platform 9 3/4 but where is that?" Harry wondered aloud "couldn't tell ya" Felix replied.

Harry then asked the station worker where it was and he only got a reply of "are you out of your mind kid, but as he was walking away Felix tapped Harry on the shoulder and pointed over to where a family with all red hair where standing, they heard the mother say "now now Fred, go through the pillar" and Fred said "I'm not Fred he is, honestly woman you call yourself our mother."

"Ah sorry George dear, go ahead" she said

Then it was followed by "I'm only joking I am Fred" Fred walked through the pillar and disappeared so then Felix and Harry went up to the woman.

"Excuse me, is this platform nine and three quarters?" Harry asked

"Yes dear it is, it's Ron and Alex's first time, Ron's my son and Alex is my nephew."

She had Ron and Alex go through, then Felix and Harry looked at each other nodded and ran through hoping they wouldn't crash and they came out the other side where wizards and witches alike were boarding the train and they both knew they were there.

They hopped on the train, Harry and Felix on one side and Ron and Alex on the other.

"So there's rumours that the two famous wizards who stood against you know who are attending hogwarts, wouldn't it be so cool if we met them Alex?"

Felix then said "you're looking right at them" Harry lifted his head to reveal his scar and Felix put up his hand where his scar was on the back of it

Ron and Alex looked at each other in shock and said "really you two?"

The boys nodded and then the trolley lady came to their car, "anything from the trolley dears?"

"Nah I've got my own here" Ron replied

"I'll take a chocolate frog but man I don't have enough for every flavour beans" Alex said

Harry being nice to Ron said "we'll take the whole lot"

Felix tossed Alex a couple of galleons and said "for next time"

The boys feasted on the candy when two girls came in and asked "hey a boy named Neville has lost his frog, you don't happen to know where it is?"

Everyone simultaneously said "nope"

There was some conversation going and the two girls introduced themselves as hermoine and Aurora granger.

Hermoine fixed Harry's glasses with a spell and because Felix's face was messy with candy, Aurora said "aguamenti" and the water washed his face off.

Ron trying to one up hermoine tried a spell but failed.

The two girls left and then before everyone knew it they pulled up at hogwarts station.

Felix Degurechaff: The Second Boy who lived Where stories live. Discover now