Chapter 41

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He didn't sound hostile or look at me with a sneer as he said that. I never expected those words from his mouth and I never expected him to soft. He drew closer and my fingers gripped the sheets tightly. I was scared of him and what he could suddenly do. He must have figured that out because he stopped moving.

"How do you feel?" My eyes bulged. How do I feel? Where was this attitude coming from? It made me wary. I didn't like it at all. It would be normal if he screamed at me and threatened me, not asking me how I felt.

"Arcelia?" My stomach fluttered. This was the second time.....he was calling me by my name. Not human. It made me feel funny inside. I also didn't like it. The space was starting to feel too congested and I needed to get out of here. I jumped up immediately.

"Please excuse me alpha, I'll like to leave"

"Why? I haven't finished speaking"

Ahh. There he was. His normal self was peeking through. He was annoyed. I saw his hands move and I clasped my fingers tightly.

"I'm not done talking to you. Sit down Arcelia" The command washed over me and I sat on the bed even though I didn't want to.

"I've been worried....after you...."

Tried to kill myself? Why should he? Wasn't he going to kill me in the end? He sucked in a breath.

"You're not allowed to return to your room. I've asked the maids to clean up a room for you so you can stay there under my watch"

"What? No"

"It is not up for negotiation Arcelia. I cannot allow you to be alone when...." He trailed off again.

"You're the reason I tried to kill myself alpha" he flinched.

"I want to be far away from you. Keeping me under your strict watch will only drive me to suicide" We stared at each other intensely, my heart beating wildly.

"Like I said. It's not up for negotiation. It's a command. Besides, the old room is not even suitable for you to stay in"

"But you put me there in the first place. Wasn't it a part of your plan to torture me? To break me? You've succeeded alpha. Why are you acting like you care about what happens to me?" I yelled at him angrily. I wanted him to lash out. To stop this pretense and show his true self.

"Vivianna will help you pack and set up your things in your new room," he said and stormed out. I grabbed my hair in frustration, pulling it and screaming. This wasn't what I wanted.

"It's okay Arcelia" I felt Vivianna's warm embrace around me.

"It's okay" I calmed in her hold. Later in the day, I had to pack all my meager things into the room I had been provided with. It was on the upper floor. The floor I usually cleaned that was only meant for higher-ups. What is he doing? There were more clothes in the closet and it confused me.

"Did this room belong to someone? It seems they forgot their belongings"

"This room hasn't been in use for a long time. It was only cleaned out when you were in a coma"

"Then the clothes?"

"They are new"

"What? Then why...."

"The alpha made me buy them for you" She left the room after she dropped the bombshell. He bought them for me? What was he suddenly playing out? Is this a new means of torture he devised? Smother me with kindness and the moment I fell for it, he'll change his attitude again.

I decided not to make a fuss or act like I had seen the clothes. I'll simply wear my old ones. I felt weird sleeping on a bed after such a long time but I won't lie. It was so comfortable and I woke up for my duties the next day. I 'accidentally' ran into the alpha three times just this morning which I considered abnormal.

I usually went for days without seeing him at all and now seeing him three times, it felt like he was purposely showing up wherever I was. Was he now interested in us? I squashed the thought as soon as it came. It couldn't be. And even if it was, I wasn't going to be foolish to fall for it.

I saw him frequently over the next few days no matter how hard I tried to avoid him. The only place where I didn't run into him was when I went to the infirmary. I found myself going there more often than I liked. Today, I had to wait to start my duties so I was spending the morning alone at the infirmary when Vivianna came with shocking news.

"The alpha wants you to stop your duties"

"What? Why?"

"He says it'll not be a suitable duty for his mate" Can I get any more confused?

"Since when does he acknowledge that I am his mate?"

"I don't know. I think it is a good thing, you can be together" I snorted. Vivianna of all people should know better.

After all, he did, should I go running back into his arms because he suddenly acknowledged that I was his mate? I realized something about the wolves. They adored their alphas so much it was like they couldn't do any wrong in their eyes. If the situation was changed and Teigen wasn't an alpha, will she want me to end up with him?

"I'm not stopping my duties, Vivianna"

"But it is an order from the alpha"

"Then he'll have to pull me from it himself"

"I don't think that is wise. He just wants you to stop stressing. You complained that it was stressing you out"

"Those duties keep me occupied. They keep my mind occupied Vivianna. The moment I stop, intrusive thoughts return" She quickly understood what I meant and she nodded.

"I think you should continue then. I'll let him know" That was the end of that conversation. Like I said, I wasn't going to play into his games. I returned to my duties and while I was scrubbing the hallway floors he came out from one of the rooms with some of his men.

I could feel his stare, the burning gaze. His presence that demanded attention. But instead, I continued scrubbing the floors like nobody was there. He didn't say anything and they walked away. Nobody mentioned anything about stopping my work again. I decided to lock myself inside my room today. I've been getting a lot of stares recently.

Once, I caught Palesa glaring at me from a distance. The news had traveled around the pack house by now. The human slave has now been elevated onto the floor for higher-ups. There were whispers, but I ignored them. I didn't want to be here by choice. I heard a knock while I was laying on my bed and I stilled. If it were Vivianna, she would have barged in. No one else came to my room.

The knock came again and I approached the door instantly. I twisted the knob and opened the door widely. This was the last person I expected to see here.

"Hello Arcelia" he beamed at me.

"What are you doing here?"

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