Chapter 61

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"Everything is going smoothly," Landon said as he entered my office.

"I know. I spoke to Viviana"

"How are you feeling?" I chuckled at the question. He was the first person to ask me this. Not that I was looking for sympathy or pity but it kind of felt good to know that he was concerned.

"I've seen better days. I'll be fine. I just want her to be okay"

"And Miyanda, do you honestly not want to see her anymore? She's still your sister"

Of course, someday I'll look at Miyanda and I'll not feel like tearing her apart. But it wasn't today. Not anytime soon.

"She's sorry"

"Yes. Her apology can magically change the past"

"Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical? You want Arcelia's forgiveness but you won't forgive Miyanda"

"It's her fault we're in this situation. I acted out of foolishness but it was because I thought Miyanda had been murdered. She had no reason to do what she did"

"I get. But she's not responsible for your actions"

"She contributed to it. I'm not trying to blame her. I've taken responsibility for all I did but I don't want to see her. And I'm saying it for her safety"

"I'll just tell her then. She has been bothering me. She wants to speak to you. But I know you don't want to see her so I've been giving her excuses"

"Her home in the human town is still there?"


"Tell Bladgen to give her some money. She should return as soon as possible or I'm sending another wolf to replace her there and she'll have no choice but to live where I want her to and do whatever I ask"

"Okay. I'll tell her. Alfio released two children today. They're back to normal. There's a breakthrough and the situation is improving"

"Good to know. I'll like to be alone now"

He nodded and left me. I ignored the letter from the neighboring pack. I just didn't have the time yet. The male that helped my sister fake her death will also be punished. His duty was to do what the council required of him and not help some stupid brat.

I heard movement outside my door and Miyanda entered. I groaned in annoyance. She really thought this was just like the old times when she tried to be bratty.

"I told you I don't want to set my eyes on you"

"I know that. But you're taking away my chance to apologize. I know you're furious and that is why I'm doing everything I can to make things right"

"Return to the human town. I can forgive you when I no longer have to look at your face"

"I spoke to Arcelia" that caught my attention.

"You did what? I don't want you around her"

"I was trying to apologize...on your behalf. This is your mate and you won't get another chance with another mate. I want you to be happy because I love you" I stayed silent. I didn't expect her to go there.


"She's still upset. But if I keep going to her..."

"What did she say Miyanda" my voice was low and calm. The only time I'd spoken to her calmly since she confessed.

"That she can never forgive or forget what happened" I sighed.

"She needs her space. I don't want you going there anymore"

"No. If I can...."

"Listen for once Miyanda. Let her be. And go back to the human town"

"I think it's best if I stay here" I groaned. I really wanted her to leave.

"Why? You fought and begged to leave this place"

"See how it turned out. I've learned a lot there. I can teach our people. There's nothing waiting for me outside there. I want to stay"

"Do what you want Miyanda but stay out of my way. You're not off the hook"

"I promise you that I'll make things right"

"Don't do anymore. Just stop" she stared at me for a long while and then she left the office.

I was about to get back to work when I heard another knock.

"Come in" I grumbled. I was tired of the visitors. I wanted to finish my work.

"Alpha" I was surprised to see Viviana.

"Is everything okay? Has she settled in? Does she need anything?"

"She's fine. But... She wants to see you"

I frowned. "Me? Now? Are you sure nothing is wrong?" I was already getting up.

"She will tell you about it herself" I did not wait anymore and dashed out of the office to go and see her.

The front door was unlocked and she was sitting on the couch with her hands clasped tightly in her lap.


I've been nervously waiting for him to arrive since I asked Viviana to inform him I wanted to speak with him. While she was gone, I was left to my thoughts. I considered not telling him anything. He could find out on his own.

But then, if I told him now, I'll just get it out of the way.

He had a worried look on his face when he entered.

"Are you alright? Viviana said you wanted to see me"

"Yes. I found out something important just today and I wanted to tell you. I think it's best you hear it from me"

He frowned but even with the crease in his face, he still looked handsome. I quickly looked away not wanting to distract myself with his beauty.

"I felt sick and I went to Alfio to get checked out. I'm pregnant"

"What?" He grabbed the closest chair to steady himself.

"You're pregnant? I..."

"Yes. I wanted you to find out from me. Things may be bad between us but you're still the child's father and you'll want to be involved in its life. I won't keep that from you. I can't forget what you did to me but that isn't something that I want our child to ever find out about"

I studied him. He was still staring at me in shock, probably still digesting the news.

"Let's be cordial for the sake of our child"

"Yes... Let's be Cordial" There was nothing more left to say between us.

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