Chapter 3. Surprise of a lifetime

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Aamu's point of view
January 8th, 2024

It was our first day of school in the year of 2024. I had been running around our house the whole morning, trying to gather my things and my thoughts at the same time. I pretty much hated mornings, because there was always too many tasks to do and so little bit of time. I wasn't one of those "wake up at 5am" people. Usually I got up around 7:15.

Our very first lesson was held by our homeroom teacher. She was talking about our new obligations, since we started the second semester in high school. We were still in the same school yard, just in a different building. 

"Remember that all the teachers are here for you and you only. Everyone is eager to answer your questions and listen to your worries about school. You will be just fine, because we have one of the best school systems in the whole world. I know that starting the spring of high school can be scary and new, but in the end it's not much different from the fall. We will be with you every step of the way. Let's have fun!"

To be honest, I was glad to be back in school. Christmas and New Year had been boring, because I only spent time on my computer at home. I didn't have energy to go out with my friends and celebrate the new opportunities. 

"I don't think I'll get used to this. The amount of information we just are we supposed to remember to come inside through door D, not C? Or was it vice versa? Why did they change it over the holidays?" my friend Sanni asked. 

"It was D. But I don't know, probably we just have to fail a couple of times to remember. At least school ends earlier than usual today", I smiled. We would get out at 1:30 pm. 

"That's good, I'm exhausted. I slept like...I don't know, four hours? My dog was keeping me awake. I don't know what's gotten into her, but she just bit my legs constantly." 

Sanni's dog was named Nuppunen (Buddy). She was an energetic silky terrier, always ready to play. During our school years I had been hearing all kinds of different stories about her. 

The second class was Finnish. Our teacher introduced himself and then divided us into small groups. He was new, so of course we had to play some "ice breaker games."

"Everyone, tell your name and an animal that starts with the first letter of your name!"

I could hear disappointed sighs around the classroom. This was ridiculous, playing children's games. 

"Well, I guess I'll start. I'm Eetu, elefantti." (Elephant)

"Sara, silakka." (Baltic herring)

"Miko, murmeli." (Marmot)

"Aamu, alpakka." (Alpaca)

"Tiina, tiikeri." (Tiger)

"Excellent! Next, say something that you like. For example fishing or singing", the teacher shouted from the front. 

"Umm...I like to build scale models."

"I like horseback riding."

"I like to play video games."

"I guess I like to listen to music."

"Me...I like to iron my clothes in color order."

Everyone in our group turned to look at Tiina. 

"You...iron your clothes?" Eetu said slowly, unsure if it was a joke or not. 

"Yeah! I start from the lightest ones, and then stop when I'm at blacks. Isn't it useful?" 

"But why do you do it? I don't mean to sound condemnatory, but isn't it a little unnecessary?" Sara asked carefully. 

"Unnecessary? Oh gosh, no. Who doesn't want straight clothes? Also, they're warm if you put them on straight from the ironing board."

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