Chapter 5. Arriving

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Aamu's point of view
January 8th, 2024 

Note that this chapter will be a lot longer than the others, so prepare yourselves!
Also from now on the languages will be marked like this: 

English = Normal 
Finnish = Bold
Korean = Cursive


Me and Salla started chatting, and my mom went to the kitchen to prepare snacks. The camera was really bothering me, but I tried to follow Salla's example and act natural. It was quite hard as there was a huge black lump just meters away from me. 

"Do you think you can speak English as we talk? We could really use some footage of the time before them arriving", Salla asked. 

"I can try", I answered, nervously fidgeting with my hoodie's sleeves. 

"So can you describe in words how you feel right now?" she continued with a warm smile. 

"I'm shocked and pretty much speechless. I was dragged into this just 45 minutes ago, and now you're here. Things are happening pretty fast, and I don't know how my brain is going to keep up."

"That's completely understandable. How do you think you will react as the members arrive?"

"If I don't pass out, I'm happy. The thought of meeting my idols today is a little overwhelming, so I'm pretty sure that I will be a nervous wreck."

"I would too, to be honest. Do you have any questions? We have a lot of time, so you can ask away as long as you need to. They can be related to the technical side of the program, to us or to anything."

"Do the members have any background information from me?" 

"They know your age, your name and little bit about your personality. Basically they don't know much, but I'm sure you will get to know each other as time goes on."

"Where do Seungmin, I.N, Changbin and Lee Know go?" 

"They have another host here in Finland. You will meet each other at some point."

"I see...What's the time now, by the way?"

"It's 12:11. I got a text from the Korean director a while ago, he reckoned that they will be here at 8:00 pm."

"How much is the time difference, will they be jet lagged?" 

"Probably. They have to travel for 15 hours, and when the clock is 8 pm. here, it's 3 am. in Seoul. The flight is almost ten hours, and then the train trip is somewhere around five. They will be really tired as they arrive." 

"Got you. So, what will we do tonight?"

"We have planned that you will show them around the house, then you'll eat something and chill, then go to sleep. It will be really easy night." 


I fell silent again. The thought of SKZ-members sitting in a plane, coming towards us every second was unbelievable. I felt sorry for them, as I figured out how rough the time difference must feel. And at the same time it hit me. This was really happening, it was not a dream. The realization made me uneasy. Apparently it was shown on the outside too. 

"Do you want us to leave you alone for a moment?" Salla suddenly asked in Finnish. 

"If you could get my mom here, that'd be great", I whispered. 

"Of course. Saku, let's go and get some coffee so Aamu will have some time alone with her mom", she advised. The two left the room, and I could hear them talking to my mom in a soft tone. 

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