Chapter 401: Chaos Ensues Chaos

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EVE went back to their seats as praises continued to be thrown over their way. Y even unconsciously raised his hand to clap, wondering where they got such a fresh idea from. 

"Can we perform something like that too?" Seven whispered to Uno. Uno merely smirked. Jordan clapped loudly, feeling proud of their junior label-mates. Although he didn't really contribute to their current success, he still felt like a proud dad. 

Nico, on the other hand, pursed his lips and clapped despite the envy he felt in his heart. The episode hasn't even aired yet, but he was already sure that Mimi was going to be gushing about June for days! Jee Haemin smiled widely as he went back to the center with Wonbin. 

"I only have one comment for the performance—wow," Haemin said, feeling very satisfied with their performance. His heart did a little giddy dance as EVE bowed at him, but he tried his hardest to stay calm. Of course, Haemin still wanted to keep his reputation of being a cool, untouchable senior!

"I agree," Wonbin said. 

"The acapella bit gave me goosebumps! I wish I could watch the performance all over again." The members of EVE happily looked at each other. Having someone say they want to see their performance again was such a huge compliment. 

"However," Wonbin quickly said. 

"We must move on for now. EVE, do you have anyone in mind?" The members all turned to Jaeyong, relying on their leader. However, Jaeyong turned toward June, wanting to hear his opinion. 

June subtly nodded toward the direction of the performer he wanted to go next. Jaeyong smiled and nodded. 

"We'll go with CHAOS," Jaeyong said, surprising even the members of EVE. June smiled, thankful that Jaeyong took his suggestion. Meanwhile, the others were in shock that CHAOS wasn't going to be performing last. Some of the staff members also frowned, wanting CHAOS to be the grand enders of the show. 

As the popular main characters of the show, they HAD to perform last. It was an unspoken rule inside the studio. However, this was something June took into consideration. June didn't want them to become the main characters. Performing last would give them too much of an advantage—especially if they perform right after Robby. 

It's also another reason why June wanted CHAOS to go next. June still hadn't forgotten what Robby did to him when he was facing the rigging allegations, so he wanted to give the soloist more pressure. Indeed, Robby was already fidgeting in his seat, subtly glaring at EVE but going back to his usual innocent smile when the camera panned toward his way. 

"Well, well, well," Haemin said. 

"This is unexpected. How do you feel about this CHAOS?" he asked. Xion took the mic and smiled. 

"Honestly, we've been ready since the beginning. So, we're not too shocked about it. The order of the performance doesn't matter anyway. Our performance will always be treated as the last performance," he confidently said, causing the other participants to exclaim in amusement. 

"Fuck, that sounded cocky but cool." 

"I would get a lot of hate if I said that, but it's CHAOS. Their confidence is backed up by their skill." 

"I can't wait to see this." The members of CHAOS stood, and the first thing June noticed was their similar heights. All of them appeared to be beyond the 185 cm mark. 'It's definitely a good thing I didn't debut in this group,' he thought. Their tall heights added to their stage presence, and they looked more like models than idols. 

However, June already knew that these guys were talented, so they definitely weren't just about their visuals. The guy June was most curious about stood at the center, and June's curiosity grew even larger. 'How good is this guy?' June didn't have to wait any longer because the five figures burst onto the stage with acrobatic flips and energetic movements as soon as the music started. The audience was taken aback by the intense routine.

The group was moving around the stage like a circus act! However, it wasn't humorous at all. Instead, it was just cool—a very handsome circus act. June squinted his eyes to get a better look at their center's status window, but his vision was shitty, and they were moving too much for him to see his level. 

"In the shadows, chaos whispers, a storm on the rise. 

Fear grips the hearts as darkness in disguise.

A song of mayhem, echoed through the night,

No escape, no refuge from the impending fright." 

Finally, they stayed still, and June caught a glimpse of his status window. 

[Haruki, born in 2001

Vocals: SS

Dance: SS

Visual: SS

Rap: A] 

"Holy shit," June couldn't help but say, the triple-SS level glaring at him. 

Jisung glanced at June before patting his back. "They're good, aren't they?" June wordlessly nodded, still speechless after seeing Haruki's levels. 

It was undoubtedly a humbling experience.

"Beware the thunderous footsteps, chaos draws near.

 A harmony of destruction, ringing crystal clear.

It's futile to resist, we'll conquer with might,

No sanctuary remains, swallowed by the night." 

The group took center stage after their display of acrobatic movements, now showcasing their synchronized choreography. "Chaos is here, a force you can't deny. An inevitable disorder, reaching for the sky.

Don't resist, surrender to the wave. In the end, we claim, only chaos will brave." The chorus was led by Haruki, and June now knew why his vocals were at the SS level. He knew that Xion was already a great vocalist, but their center was clearly on another level. 

As the bridge approached, multiple effects engulfed the stage. Smoke screens, flashing LED lights, and fake weapons enhanced their performance, and it seemed like all the elements of the other stages were encapsulated into theirs. 

"No hero emerges, no savior in sight,

Screams of horror drown out the fight.

Embrace the pain, let go of control,

In the midst of the storm, chaos takes it all." 

The rebellious spirit intensified as the group stood united, proclaiming their dominance. Live vocals fill the venue, each member delivering powerful lyrics with unwavering confidence. 

"The whispers grow louder, a cacophony of fear. No sanctuary left as chaos draws near."

The group unleashed a burst of pyrotechnics, illuminating the stage with sparks. The chaos metaphorically came to life, engulfing the performers in bright fire and loud sound.

As the performance approaches its end, the stage is bathed in a fiery glow. The group adopts a poised stance, creating suspense. 

CHAOS stood still, each with different weapons in their hands. They stared intensely into the camera as the fire subsided. Then, like the center he was, Haruki sang the final lines. 

"As the chaos subsides, a new era begins,

In the aftermath, only chaos grins."

The studio turned black with only the light shining upon the members of CHAOS—the lyrics of their song becoming true. Only chaos grins. 

June was still shocked, not a single thought occurring in his head. Then, it dawned on him, a small smile playing on his lips. 

"Ah, we lost." 

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