Chapter 458: Korean Barbeque

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Arin stared at the smoke in front of her, wriggling like a white worm. The scent of beef and pork attacked her senses, but somehow, it didn't really stimulate her appetite. It just made her more nauseous than she already was.

"You know, when you say you'd take me to dinner, I didn't really expect this," Arin said, feeling disappointed.

June ate nonchalantly in front of her. Being able to eat other meat aside from chicken had boosted his appetite, so he ate with gusto.

"What do you mean?" June asked. "Don't you like Korean barbecue?"

Arin pursed her lips and said through gritted teeth, "Of course I do. But you invited everyone to eat with us!"

"Let's make a toast for June and Arin! This drama wouldn't be successful without them!"

Director Nana excitedly stood, a little bit tipsy, and raised her glass filled with soju in the air.

The other crew members followed. June shyly pursed his lips and also raised his glass as they continued to shower him with praises. Arin, on the other hand, just downed the soju straight from the bottle.

She thought this would be their first date. Arin was expecting something fancier, so when she got an invite from June to have dinner at a Korean barbecue place, she thought it wasn't really an ideal place for a first date.

However, it was with June—THE June. So, who was she to complain? They could eat next to an irrigation, and she'd still be happy if she was with him.

But when she arrived, she saw plenty of familiar faces—the other actors and crew members involved in the production of 'Hate To Love You.'

All in all, there were thirty other people in the small room—thirty more people than Arin expected.

"You're right," June suddenly said, causing Arin to perk up.

"I'm right?" Arin asked.

June nodded. "I should have invited fewer people."

Arin smirked. It should have only been her, right?

"Now, my wallet's going to be emptied," June said, slumping on his seat.

Arin's eye instantly twitched, wondering how dense June really was.

June sighed once more before shrugging. "But, it's alright. They're paying me pretty well for this role, so it's a good deal."

With that, he ate quietly once again, leaving Arin's mind in shambles.

Arin shook her head, stared at the enticing green bottle before holding it with both hands and drinking it in one go.

June looked at her, surprised. He wanted to stop her since intoxication was bad for the mind and the body, but since her manager was letting her do what she wanted, June decided to let it go.

June stared at his co-actor as she drank.

June thought it was weird that she still had that lovestruck look in her eyes after the potion had expired. However, thinking that Casper was also the same, he once again decided to let it pass.

Maybe the potion faded in different durations for different people.

Or maybe Arin finally felt sorry for nearly drowning June in the pool that one time.

Arin stared at June, a subtle glare in her eyes. 'He has no clue, doesn't he?' she internally asked.

Just then, as June was grilling his third batch of beef, he felt someone's arms wrap around him.

"Here's the star of the night!" she exclaimed, sitting next to them.

June chuckled before making more space for the excited director.

"You're the star of the night, Director," June countered. "You're the reason why this production became possible."

Director Nana waved him off. "This production was on the brink of death before you came! Investors were about to pull out since I couldn't find the perfect Jin. However, I stumbled upon you on King of Kings and knew right away. I almost couldn't believe you're an idol with such skills!"

"I just followed the script well," June humbly said.

"Which is amazing! You got into character pretty well. It's almost like you experienced Jin's problems," she observed.

June chuckled. That was, indeed, very true.

"I'm looking forward to seeing more of your acting work."

June nodded. "I'll be busy from now on, though. We have to prepare for the comeback."

"I'm looking forward to that, too," Nana smiled.

"But mark my words—you're going to make it big in the acting industry! Don't let yourself be bullied when you're in bigger productions. This production is quite small, so I was able to monitor the set really well, but other productions, especially those airing in bigger stations, are not as kind as this."

June nodded in understanding. "I'll take that into mind."

"Oh, and don't forget me when you make it big, alright?" she jokingly glared, pointing her index finger at the idol.

June chuckled in amusement. "Of course, Director. I will never forget you."

Arin watched the scene before her with narrowed eyes. Then, she stabbed the meat on her plate with a fork, making a loud sound. Those on their table and the table nearby were startled, and June's and Nana's conversation was also interrupted.

"Well, looks like Arin is drunk," Director Nana chuckled.

"I'll go back to my table then. Thanks for the treat," the director exclaimed, waving goodbye.

June merely smiled before turning to his jealous co-actor.

However, he didn't console her at all. Instead, he stood from his seat because he felt the call of nature.

Arin let out a deep breath as he walked away from their table, feeling like the entire world had turned its back on her.

"I hate him," she muttered. The debut release occurred at N-ov3l-B(j)n.

'No, you don't,' a voice inside her mind said.

Then, she slumped on the table, her hair sprawling on the surface.

"No, I don't," she whispered, letting out another deep breath as she closed her eyes.

Just then, the people at the table smelled something burning.

"What's that?" an extra asked.

"Something's...burning," Arin's manager said, his cheeks filled with garlic and lettuce.

"The meat's fine, though," another extra chimed, even stabbing one of the pork pieces and devouring it in a second.

However, the burning smell remained, so they finally turned their gazes to the side—where Arin was.

There, they saw the pretty actress with her hair next to the grill, the tips of it already in flames.

Her manager's eyes widened in surprise.

"Arin, you're in trouble!" he exclaimed.

Arin lifted her head and glared at her manager.

"I know that!" she nearly shouted. She was stuck in an unrequited love with the most dense person on Earth.

However, she quickly snapped back to her senses when she felt something hot on her shoulder. She gazed to the side and saw her hair in flames.

Then, she let out the biggest scream known to man.

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