Chapter 429: Big Big Potential

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June pursed his lips, feeling like he had been caught red-handed. Before he even knew it, he found himself lost in the role, and he started blurting out words that weren't even part of the script.

"Yes," June said. 

"I apologize. I didn't mean to." 

"What the hell? He made the script right on the spot?" Chan asked. 

"We were in the presence of an acting monster, but we failed to acknowledge him," Eric chimed. 

"Nico, you should get his autograph before he becomes a well-known actor," Sunwoo teased. 

"Shut up. He's just as good as I am," Nico boasted, causing his teammates to shake their heads. 

"Don't apologize," Seobin chuckled. 

"I enjoyed what you did. I, myself, admit that I got immersed in the performance." 

"Yeah," Minho smiled. 

"I didn't know June was a good actor. His cheese ball commercial had left a mark inside my mind." The room burst into soft chuckles while Hana shook her head in amusement. 

"Have you acted before?" Seobin asked. June glanced at Hana before replying. 

"Not to this extent," he said. 

"Impressive," Seobin smiled, making June smile too. 

"It definitely wasn't perfect. However, for someone with no proper acting background, you did really well. The improvisation of the lines was a good touch, too." "Thank you," June slightly bowed. 

"Hana," Minho called. 

"Do you have anything to say?" Hana cleared her throat as she thought of the proper words to say. She had to stop herself from showering him with compliments because it would sound suspicious. 

"I like you—I mean, the performance. You did a really good job," Hana smiled, melting the hearts of the other participants. 

"She didn't smile at me like that," Y silently whined. Meanwhile, the members of EVE who didn't know Hana and June were acquainted glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.

"The way you delivered the lines was far from the original. It was much softer, I guess?" Hana chuckled. 

"But it was surprisingly pleasant. I didn't think it could be interpreted in such a way. It almost seems like you were speaking to a little sister than a little brother." June looked down at the ground and subtly shook his head. It was almost scary how Hana accurately interpreted his performance. 

"Thank you, judges," June bowed for the last time before going back to his seat. He was greeted with proud smiles from his teammates, patting him on the back for a job well done. 

"June's good at everything," Casper said, a small smile playing on his lips. Akira pursed his lips before sighing. 

"You know, I'll automatically think you're good at everything now."

 "I think that's his default setting," Sehun remarked. June shook his head before focusing his gaze on the ground. Honestly, his acting skills were insufficient. 

However, since he was playing a familiar role, that gave him quite an edge. If he had played the other scenarios, then Robby would have a hundred percent won. "

The judges are done deliberating," Wonbin said, making everyone focus on their table. Minho and Seobin nodded at Hana, silently gesturing for her to announce the winner of the pre-mission. "Let me start off by saying that all of you did a good job. The fact that you undertook this mission while being an active idol is already a great feat. I know I wouldn't be able to sing and dance as well as you acted just now," she smiled. June smirked. 

She definitely could. The two of them trained as idols back then for a reason. 

"I wish I could give all of you an award for participating in this mission, but unfortunately, there could only be one winner. It wasn't an easy decision, but the three of us agreed that this person has the most potential in acting," she said, lifting her head to meet Robby's eyes. 

For a moment, June thought he had lost. Technically speaking, Robby definitely did a better job. He had fewer stumbles, and his line projection was overall better. 

"EVE," Hana said, shifting her gaze to their team at the very last minute. 

"Congratulations! You are given the power to decide the next mission's sequence and hear the chord progression two days before every other participant!" she exclaimed. The members of EVE wasted no time in hugging June, giving him light and heavy squeezes.

June was overwhelmed with their cheers and affection, but he couldn't help but smile with the thought of winning the pre-mission. The other participants amicably clapped for their team. Even Robby clapped for a few seconds before dejectedly slumping in his seat.

"Well, this concludes the very first pre-mission of King of Kings!" Wonbin exclaimed, making his way back to the center. 

"This pre-mission episode will be aired tomorrow as a special gift to the fans, so make sure to tune in." 

"EVE, our production team will be sending you the chord progression tomorrow evening, while the others will get it two days after. In the meantime, please start thinking of concepts for your performance," he instructed. 

With that, the cameras stopped rolling, and the special judges stood from their seats. The participants, however, were rooted in their seats, their gazes focused on one particular woman. She laughed with her co-actors, and she looked unreal before their very eyes. 

Jisung and Akira brought out the napkins they got from the bathroom, along with a pen. 

"Let's get their autographs," Akira said, determined. Gideon, also a huge fan of their show, shook his hands in nervousness. 

"Do you think I can ask for a picture?" he asked his members. Haruki chuckled in amusement. 

"Go ahead. She seems very kind." 

"I want to talk to her," Nico said, wanting to make the first move. Jordan raised one of his eyebrows in surprise. 

"What about Mimi?" Nico glanced at him with a nonchalant expression. 

"What about her?" he coldly asked. 

"Dang," Sunwoo chuckled. 

"I thought you were loyal to her or something." Nico sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. "

Well, all she's been talking about is June whenever we meet up, so I don't want to talk about her anymore." Meanwhile, Y grasped his phone tightly in his hand as he continued staring at Hana. "I'm going to get her number," he said as if encouraging himself. 

"Go ahead," Chan said. 

"It's time for you to get a girlfriend." As these people hesitated to approach her, Hana started walking near them, causing their eyes to widen in surprise. Zeth squeaked as he stared at the beautiful woman before him. 

"Is it just me, or is she walking toward my way?" he asked. 

"I mean, I knew I was handsome, but Haruki is more—" His words were cut off when Hana walked past him and went to the last row, where June was seated. Hana smiled as she brought something out from her bag. 

"Here," she said, handing June a small gift. 

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