Chapter 443: Dear Little Me (1)

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Jia definitely wasn't hallucinating. The eight boys on stage were clad in elegant school uniforms with navy blue blazers, reminiscent of the days they were in Rising Stars. It wasn't a hundred percent similar, but it was enough to shake the hearts of those who have been fans since their times in the survival show. Haruki frowned as EVE did their group greeting on the stage. He wondered what type of concept they were going to employ with such outfits. 

The members of BOYMYSTIC, who had worn similar outfits during their time on Rising Stars, felt nostalgic. "What are they going to do?" Jordan muttered, already intrigued. The boys took their positions amidst the confused screams. There was a couch in the middle, and as the spotlight turned on, EVE was cast in a radiant glow. Positioned on the center of the simple couch were the three oldest members. 

On the ledge sat Zeth and Akira, small yet beautiful smiles adorning their faces. Meanwhile, the three youngest members stood at the back, their eyes on the backrest of the couch. Finally, the opening chords of the song resonated through the venue. As expected, the chord progression was familiar. However, this time, it carried an ambiguous feeling that made the audience even more confused. 

The idols watching backstage were also surprised by the route that they took. The chord progression they were originally given was quite intense, almost perfect for a dance song. However, EVE was able to transform it into a solemn masterpiece. Some astras knew that EVE, especially June, had a knack for performing emotional songs.

However, they still didn't expect it here. How could they perform this genre when they were tasked to define what an idol was? However, as Ren opened the song, their questions were all answered. 

"Dear little me, this is for you. Did you wait a long time for your dreams to come true? Hang in there; it won't be once in a blue moon. We'd get there somehow, not now, but soon." Ren's voice, smooth as silk, carried the emotional essence of the lyrics. The choreography unfolded with a series of graceful movements around the couch and simple yet impactful gestures. It was a dance that mirrored the lyrics, expressing the journey of chasing dreams and the challenges faced in the pursuit of an idol's life.

Akira followed not long after, standing from his seat and walking as he gazed up at the lights. The bright white light caught his eyes, making them shine. 

"I know it's not as easy as it may seem. 

But the bright days are coming; 

I feel it somehow. 

Soon, little me, and that soon is now." 

The song's chorus began, and like their hearts beat as one, all eight members sang in perfect harmony. Their voices intertwined, and each note sang with the sincerity of their experiences. Instead of focusing on the glamorous life of an idol, they decided to perform a song that would paint their journeys from the very beginning—from their dreams. 

"Are you proud of what I've become? 

...But there's still a long way to go." 

The genuine smiles on their faces radiated a joy that transcended the glamorous facade of the idol life.

At the start of the second verse, it only seemed like the lyrics were getting more melancholic.

The idols watching backstage forgot about the competition for a minute as they listened. The lyrics EVE had written beautifully encapsulated what they felt as idols.

"Dear little me, you're not so little now. 

Each day on the stage, you end with a bow. 

The dreams we've only dreamt of finally came true. 

But why does the spotlight still feel so blue?"

Zeth and June harmonized during this part, the combination of their voices only making it sound more emotional. 

"Dear little me, now you make others smile. 

Does it finally feel like you're doing something worthwhile? 

Or do you go the extra mile to display happiness on the shelf? 

When you can't even give happiness to yourself?"

The choreography portrayed the sad undertone of the lyrics, yet paradoxically, the members of EVE danced with joy that captivated the audience. Their smiles persisted all throughout the performance, and it seemed as if they were acting out the message of their song—to stay happy even when you're not.

Seven sniffed as he continued watching their performance. He had always performed with a smile on his face, forgoing the internal battles he felt for the sake of giving other people happiness. 

However, at the end of the day, he was still human...and listening to the song reminded him that it was okay to feel sad at times. Uno, who had struggled a lot since his days as a trainee, couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen. 

While all the other groups portrayed what idols were on the surface level, EVE was able to dig deeper into the complexities of their job—one that they weren't even aware of. 

"Are you proud of what I've become? 

Looking back at where we came from. 

We've been waiting for so long, 

I know... 

...But there's still a long way to go." 

As the second chorus unfolded, the music was enriched with a new arrangement of instruments. The harmony of guitars, keyboards, and drums added depth to the performance, making it echo through the hearts of the audience. As the music transitioned into the bridge, the members of EVE clutched onto a small white cloth. The ethereal lights intensified, casting a soft glow on the scene. Then, in a synchronized display of beauty and emotion, the members unfolded the white cloth and twirled them through the air. 

The fabric seemed to dance with a life of its own, capturing the essence of the dream they held within their hearts. Then, the lights dimmed, and they let go of the white cloths all at the same time. It cascaded to the ground, similar to rainfall, before the screen behind them lit up. 

The sound of laughter echoed in the silent studio before a video that seemed unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time was shown. There, the members of EVE were shown, seemingly preparing for their very first comeback.

They had excited smiles on their faces, lighting up the practice room with their dreams. The inception of this chapter's publication is linked to N0v3lb11n.

However, the scene didn't last long as it transitioned to another clip...

When they first met... Where their dreams finally began... 

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