Chapter 431: Emo Bubbles

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[Current Status: - Vocals: SS

- Dance: S-

- Visual: S-

- Rap: A+

- Leadership: A+

- Music Production: A+ 

- Acting: B-] 

Since June completed his past mission through acting, he decided to upgrade his acting skill, too. 

"Have they sent it yet?" Ren asked, making June snap out of his thoughts.

Jaeyong refreshed their group email and nodded. "Yup, it's in," he smiled. 

The special episode of King of Kings was currently airing on the SBC channel. However, the members of EVE had something more important to do. Akira smiled widely as he sat on the floor next to June. 

"I can't believe we're hearing this in advance because of June." 

"Well, he nailed the acting challenge," Zeth remarked. 

"I wish we could watch the episode, but I'm more curious about the chord progression." 

"We can just watch a recorded copy on Navel or something," June said, preparing himself to listen to the chord progression. It had been a while since he utilized his music production skills, and with Azure keeping them in the dark for their new album, June wasn't sure if he'd be able to utilize them soon. However, with this opportunity presented to them, he can finally bust out his skills and combine them with Ren's. 

"I'm going to play it," Jaeyong said. The others nodded, waiting for the melody to play. They didn't know what they were expecting, but it definitely wasn't this. They were taken aback by the intensity of the sound as soon as it was played. 

You know those songs that suddenly come onto your playlist when it's on shuffle and startle the heck out of you? It was that type of sound. The instruments included were piano, guitar, and simple percussion. It felt a bit familiar, but June couldn't quite pinpoint where he had heard it from. Fortunately, it was pretty good and had the others jiving until the end.

However, they were engulfed in silence not long after. There was a collective thought in their minds, and they were afraid to say it out loud. 

"This is too hard to revise," Ren said, addressing the elephant in the room. Jaeyong pursed his lips and nodded. "It's already too complicated," he added. 

"The most we can do with this is liven it up with more percussion instruments." 

"SBC really made it difficult for us to change it," Akira said, plopping on the floor. 

"How could we turn that into a different song? It's almost complete." June nodded in agreement. 

"I feel like adding more percussion is going to be a common thought among the participants."

"Well, the theme is 'idol.' It's supposed to be lively and exciting," Sehun said, making June halt. 

"But, what if it doesn't have to be?" June suddenly asked, making his members stop and think, too. 

"What are you thinking about?" Akira hesitatingly asked. Jisung excitedly clapped as he observed June's enlightened face. 

"I think emo June is back!"


A director in her late-20s was stuck in her office late at night, scrolling through the stack of applicants who wanted to apply for her new short drama. 

"I'm more handsome than this guy." 

"He gives me creepy vibes." 

"The main actress is taller than him." 

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