Chapter 454: Act Cute

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June was reminded of their Field Day in Rising Stars.

He could still remember the phone accessories he won. His phone was worse than a rock from the 1800s during that time, and now, he had a phone that heated up whenever he used it too much.

But who was he to complain? It was definitely an upgrade from his past phone.

June could now admit that their Field Day was actually pretty fun. Just as long as he didn't have to dress up like a princess this time around, then June would be perfectly fine.

"As the winner of the last mission, EVE will have the privilege to choose the sport you are all going to compete in," Haemin announced, capturing the participants' attention once more.

The members of EVE glanced at each other, satisfied looks in their eyes. They never expected to win a mission against CHAOS, so they would take any advantage they were given.

"The first option is—volleyball," Haemin started off.

June instantly shook his head.

June knew a lot about volleyball. He enjoyed it, even. However, the only reason why he knew about the sport was because of that popular volleyball anime that he became obsessed with and watched secretly in his free time.

He didn't think he would cry because of a sports anime, but let's just say he quickly took his words back once the third season rolled around.

Nonetheless, even if he loved that certain anime, he felt like choosing the game wouldn't give their team any advantage.

"Next is tennis!" Haemin exclaimed.

June wasn't sure if they chose these sports around him, but he also enjoyed watching a certain tennis anime when he was younger.

"The third option is basketball," Haemin continued.

June subtly shook his head in disagreement. Ever since their cheese ball commercial, he had never looked at basketballs the same way before. Now, in his mind, they're all circles made of solid cheese.

"And lastly, is Taekwondo," Haemin concluded.

Since the members of EVE were all infatuated with their center at the moment, they all turned to him to ask his decision.

"Should we play tennis?" Jisung excitedly asked. "I feel like you'll be good at it!"

"Or volleyball!" Casper excitedly said. "We can hold hands whenever we win against a team."

June sighed before shaking his head.

"Let's pick Taekwondo," June said, already certain of his decision.

Even if they were infatuated, the members couldn't hide their confusion.

"Taekwondo?" Zeth asked. "Are you good at fighting?"

June smirked, crossing his arms in front of their chest.

These guys didn't know...

June was the best at fighting. He didn't know a lot about Taekwondo, but if it meant taking your opponent down, then he was confident they were going to win.

"Are you questioning June?" Ren asked, a frown on his face.

The others also turned to Zeth with disappointed expressions.

"We're going to kick you out of this club without hesitation," Jaeyong warned, pointing his index finger at him.

"Club?" June asked, confused.

"The June lovers club," Jisung innocently smiled.

June sighed before massaging his nose bridge.

He couldn't wait for the WhimsiLust potion to expire.

"Have you made your decision?" Haemin asked, interrupting their conversation.

The members nodded, taking June's suggestion with high regard.

"We'll go with Taekwondo," Jaeyong said, causing some of the participants to groan in disappointment.

"Nice choice," Haemin smiled. "Taekwondo is a sport that entails a lot of discipline and agility. Please move to the next room and get ready to choose your representatives."

The participants moved to the next room, and much to their surprise, the production crew had already set things up for a Taekwondo match. It was as if they had prepared it beforehand!

A referee came from the back, and the participants bowed as he made his way to the center.

Haemin stood beside him and took out his cue cards, ready to explain the mechanics of the game.

"This will be a 1v1 game with the chosen representatives from your groups. It is an elimination round, which means that once your teammate loses, then you're automatically disqualified from winning this week's advantage."

"Each team will face another team. There would only be one round of two minutes. In those two minutes, you must land kicks on either your opponent's abdomen or head. The abdomen accounts for three points, while the head is for five. The person who scores the highest poins will then advance to the next round," Haemin continued to explain.

The participants nodded in understanding.

"However, since there are seven teams, EVE will automatically advance to the top three teams as part of their advantage. These three semi-finalists will then play rock, paper, scissors to determine who will automatically advance to the final round," he concluded.

June nodded in satisfaction. They were only going to play at least two rounds, at least, so they definitely had the biggest advantage to win.

"For the six other teams, please pick a ball from the fishbowl to determine your opponents," Haemin instructed.

While the others were choosing their opponents, June turned to his teammates to determine who would compete in the semi-final round.

He looked at them one by one before his eyes settled on a tall, muscular frame.

"You," June said, nodding his head toward Casper.

"Play during the semi-finals," he instructed.

Since the WhimsiLust potion was still active, June was certain Casper was going to agree right away.

The others slumped in disappointment, and Jisung even threw June a betrayed look.

"That should be me," Akira whispered, clenching his fist before biting it with his mouth.

"So dramatic," June whispered.

Meanwhile, Casper kept silent, making June frown.

"You're going to play, right?" June repeated.

A small smirk appeared on Casper's lips, and then he winked at June.

June stepped back as he felt shivers run down his spine. He could really never tell what Casper was thinking about.

"I will—in one condition," Casper's smirk widened while June's nervousness heightened.

"Act cute for us, June!"

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