If I could fly, I would fly all da time. It would be so fun. I would fly to Walmart and fly inside from an air vent , a rly big air ventI was playing Roblox and somebody said I had no life
Reminds me when my teacher was playing music
And she said why does it kinda sound like Minecraft music
And she got called a nerd
Yeehaw 🤠
I used to be friends with a cow
And then I ate it and it was good
I got boxer hands my hands r so red
Baseball may be gay but boxing is gay ER
Like I was talking about how baseball boys r cute and American football boys were fine and somebody said "Nigga, baseball is gay AF" I say bitch shit ur dirty ass up B4 I get my dog on ur butt bro that's why u playing boxing bc u like to touch muscley guys and stuff
My teacher pink is built like dis
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Cray z
So fun
double space uwu
HumorGrahh he said that I'm good enough grab my dahdahdah thinking bout shirt that I shouldn't of👋🏽😔☝🏾