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"It was always the same nightmare. He was honestly sick of it all".

The boy clenched his teeth, glaring down at the lowly worm before him.

His hands were balled up into fists, and they were shaking violently. His knuckles faintly throbed in the black gloves he wore.

This was understandably so, due to his extreme state of anger as well as the fact that he had been severely punching the so called worm.

There was a murderous glint in his eyes.

The recipient of his anger however, had an indifferent look on his bruised face His torn, slightly swollen lips even had a ghost of a mocking smile on it.

Blood trickled gently from his nose. He stared at the boy that was towering over him and scoffed- as if he was the one who was in power.

This angered the first boy so much that he swung his fists again at the latter- with more force than before.

But before his fists could land, a voice rang out in the abandoned section of the library they were in- halting his movements in midair.

"Oh stop it Jinni. Don't. Hitting him will only stain your gloves with that filthy mongrel blood of his".

It sounded crisp, clear and androgynous- maybe even a little cheerful- and it was absolutely familiar to everyone present.

There was a flash of joy in Jinni's eyes, and the fist that was just inches away from the other boy-Chi'Rne's- nose fell down harmlessly.

Immediately after, he whirled around, and with a happy smile on his face as he walked up cheerfully to the source of the voice and knelt down.

Like a dog. Very much like a dog.

Nitidus; the owner of the voice, calmly placed a bookmark (the one woven with pure Itardz silk Jinni had got him) into the acadamiel he was reading.

Then he very elegantly, very properly stretched his left hand, allowing Jinni to take it and press his signet ring onto his large forehead.

In Ordnix tradition that was the highest form of respect a superior could give his subordinate.

"I'm sorry I let you see something so disgusting as this stray your highness. But this time you saw it yourself. I didn't lose my cool for nothing. Hah- I still can't believe he called me a dog!".

Jinn clenched his teeth as he complained, irritation in his dark grey eyes.

This however did not prevent him from placing his head on Nitidus' laps- like a pampered pet.

Nitidus sighed.

"Either way, I am still disappointed in you for retaliating. You have noble blood Jinni, you must never forget that. As my cousin your actions are a large reflection of mine. Have you such short memory?

So what, if a lunatic bites you do you bite him back? I expected better from you".

Nitidus continued to chastise, despite stroking Jinni's long grey hair.

Like people do with therapy dogs.

Jinni mummered vaguely. Probably that he understood while basking in his cousin's affection. Nitidus did not hear him.

Hell, he didn't care about Jinni at all to be honest. He thought he was a fool, for provoking the future most powerful person in the world.

But who was he to complain? He was the biggest fool of all. He actually knew how powerful Chi'Rne would become.

Nitidus gazed ahead, trying to look as condescending as possible, as Chi'Rne's dangerous crimson eyes met his turquoise ones.

Unlike when he was looking at Jinni (or most people) his gaze didn't show indifference, but instead rage. Intense rage and anger.

His thoughts were so obvious.

Inwardly, Nitidus rolled his eyes and thought: "Oh. You want to kill me so bad, don't you? Go ahead. It will only be the 366th time".

Nitidus stared back, with even more hatred in his eyes, before smiling maliciously and audibly whispering to Jinni.

"I'm leaving. If you want to beat him up then go ahead. I'll indulge you. Just make sure none of the school authorities see you, okay?".

Jinni looked up and nodded at Nitidus' permission. He got up and headed to the hunched back figure of Chi'Rne, except this time he kicked his back instead.

Harsh sounds quickly filled the room again- mostly Chi'Rne grunting in pain.

Nitidus glanced indifferently at them, picked up his acadamiel and left. He couldn't study in this noise and if he didn't study his grades might drop.

After all, he had a reputation to uphold. His 'plot points' depended on it.

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