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(More like a long rant)


To: Mr. Chi'Rne,  bane of my existence and nuisance of my life...

Hello. I hope this letter does not reach you well. No hard feelings,  I was going to be civil... but we both know I hate your guts.

I know you may be wondering, what the purpose of this unannounced piece of parchment from my wonderful self addressed to... your undesirable self is for.

Well, first of all, I want you to know you must savour it. That paper is more expensive than your entire family.

(No offence. Like I said I'm trying to be civil).

I was just thinking, as I often do (not that you know how that's like).

I was just thinking why the hell you're so annoying.

Of course there are a myriad, a whole plethora of reasons why you are the most irritating being I have ever come across.... but I think it all comes down to one root cause.

You are fucking irritating.

Like a swesau bug, you embody a lowly blood and mana sucking inconvenience that people can't seem to get rid of.

No. Honestly I am sick and tired of the overly lucky nonsense that is your life.

Case in point, remember the time we had a battle on top of that volcano and of course your loser self lost to me?

Obviously, how can anyone beat me. Look at me, I'm perfect.

Tell me why, I vividly remember my precious Yamaze piercing not one but TWO of your vital organs.

I specifically remember splitting my Yamaze into two short swords for a closer range and jamming it straight into your heart and liver.

And I gave it a nice little twist to make sure it was really logged in there.

Then I even pushed you into THE FREAKING MIASMAIC  VOLCANO afterwards. How did you not freaking die?!!

Not only did you not die but you came back like some annoying nightmare with Iiona Halude as the next addition to your little... fanclub.

Iiona Halude? Her?

The only precious niece of the great General Halude of the Federation of 21 Itardz states?

...Which is fine. I can live with the fact that your rodent self is hard to kill, but why Iiona?

Are the women of this world blind, insane or delusional to keep falling for a lowly worm like yourself?

As if that wasn't a cause to increase my blood levels, you came back with a intermediate level 98 mana beast and a miasmatic sword that can cut people's fighting aura...?

Come on. That's just annoying.

Trap you in a closed cave with a berserk mana beast going through forced metamorphosis?

Don't worry. You came back alive with a powerful beast as your ally. After all even the BEAST PATRIARCH calls you his best friend.

I'm done. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of your allies. I'm tired of the world treating me as some sort of antagonist.

All I'm doing is riding the world of another vermin and apparently I'm wrong for it.

YOU steal my fiancée?

Oh, Don't worry, it's forbidden love. Romantic. You're not in the wrong at all.

I try to convince one of your brainless "bros" to fight on my side?

I'm labeled as a "seductress of evil"?

To cut this letter short I would like to say... do whatever you want from here on out.

I don't think it worth it or even intelligent of me to fight a guy who hangs out with idiots who can't even tell that someone's male despite talking at close range.

I hope to never see or hear from you again.

Just don't get in my way,

                                 -Nitidus, E. Ordnix.

Author's note:

(Sorry the chapter was long)

P.S: Yamaze is Nitidus' "soul weapon". It's pretty amazing.  It's golden in colour.  Shiny, elegant, bejeweled, loves showy moves like the person who wields it.

It's also one of the only five shape shifting weapons in the history of H.A.S.E.

That means that Nitidus can make it into anything during a fight.

A fan, a sword, a spear, a bow and a quiver of arrows, a whip, a statue, a bean of restrictive light, a shield, an épée, a saber, an array... ANYTHING.

As long as he's familiar with the thing, knows how it works, has the imagination and mana it has no limits.

It's most powerful move is building a impenetrable 100m barrier,  diffusing into the air and light present, and just slicing and piercing the opponents lungs and skin...

Yeah.... Yamaze is pretty OP.

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