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A long, long time ago; quite longer than the enhanced world in fact, humans had no mana.

Yes. Surprising.

The world we know now is an intersection of two separate dimensions.

One dimension; where we can trace our ancestry to, was and still is a dull boring place with absolutely no trace of mana of any sort. It was inhabited by only people.

(This is currently known as the "non-enhanced world".)

The other however was an entirely different affair. It was filled with wonder and magic, pulsating with energy. That world was inhabited by mana beasts, creatures born and formed by pure mana, living and enjoying the energy of their dimension.

(This is the world we enhanced now live in.)

These two dimensions, athough drastically different from each other, do intersect by a thin curtain of reality, a rip in space itself if you will.

This curtain is well known as the veil.

The veil appears as a shimmering, translucent barrier suspended in the fabric of space itself, like a delicate filament woven between two distinct realms. On one side, vibrant and pulsating with ethereal energy, lies a realm suffused with mana and magic, where the very air crackles with arcane power. Colors dance and swirl in mesmerizing patterns, and the atmosphere hums with the whispers of ancient spells and incantations.

On the other side of the veil lies a stark contrast—a realm devoid of magic, where the natural laws of physics used to hold sway and the mundane forces of the universe reign supreme. Here, the landscape is defined by stark simplicity, with no trace of the mystical energies that imbue the other side. The air is still and silent, devoid of the otherworldly echoes that permeate the magical realm.

The veil itself seems to shimmer and ripple with a subtle energy, its surface alive with faint iridescence that hints at the power it contains. Though seemingly delicate, it exudes an undeniable sense of strength and resilience, serving as an impassable boundary between two vastly different worlds.

To the humans who used to gaze upon it, the veil used to represent both a barrier and a gateway—a boundary that separates the realms of magic and mundane, while also offering the tantalizing possibility of passage between them.

Its presence evokes a sense of wonder and mystery, hinting at the secrets and possibilities that lie beyond its shimmering surface.

Of course. Past humans used to look with this other world with envy and awe. How could they not?

They wished they could inhabit this land whenever a mana beast would enter their world and tell tales of where they came from, often in a condescending manner.

...But you see humans could not cross the veil to enter the world of mana beasts unlike how the beasts could enter and exit their world freely.

Because humans had no mana.

Of course many still tried. But they all perished. The veil contained far too much energy and mana for creatures born without it to withstand the sheer force of it.

They would spontaneously combust by just touching it, their internal organs spilling from their bodies and their skin melting like hot wax in a horrifying rate too quick for eyes to keep up with.

As such mana beasts were heavily worshipped in the past and the mutually respectful and neighbourliness we humans have with them today did not exist.

They were quicker, stronger and more powerful. They lived longer... even now at the present.

We were inferior.

A superior-subordinate relationship existed between mana beasts and humans with no hope of redemption...

...until the current Beast Patriarch was born, that is.


                       -Written by Zholin, A.I.M.M

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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