Reader Information

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Name: Y/N L/N

Codename: Klaus

Gender: Male

Height: 7'1"(215.9cm)
(Yes, you're taller than König.)

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

Age: 29

Mother Tongue: German(because yes.)

Personality: Supercilious, impassive, moderate, and brusque

Backstory?: Y/N was in a loud, abusive household. His father was usually drunk and physically, as well as verbally, abused him and his mother. Neither him or his mother dared speak back, ask for help from others, or try to leave due to the threats from his father so said: "kill both of you. I'll be sure to rape Frieda(Y/N's mother) during the murdering of you two." Years passed and abusive behavior continued. Krueger never had school, other than homeschool, and he started going to the gym to train. On his fifteenth birthday, he signed up for the military, getting approved for sixteen. As soon as he turned sixteen, he joined the military. At twenty, due to his abilities to jump ranks, he became a sergeant at 20. Going down the line of missions and work, he jumped to rank Lieutenant at twenty four. Eventually, throughout his years he became a Lieutenant Colonel(current rank) at 29.

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