Canceling and Approving.

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I gave him his gift, and next thing you know he's whipping those two poor kids for nothing.. I mean.. He peed himself, so..? There's nothing wrong with that... I mean it's nasty and stuff... But why beat people up because they were making fun of you..? I don't get it either... He didn't come to school after that... He was gone for a week. I felt destroyed. I think I have to keep my distance away from him... But I feel so guilty. After that week finished, I saw him staring at his desk again. His gaze was sharp, and hard... Like he didn't want to be there.. He had a bruise on his lip. I thought it was because of that fight, but none of the kids touched him. What happened..? No one ever saw him cry ever again.

I have reached third grade. I've been trying to forget about him, that whole school year was just so.. Weird. Kaito's been silent everyday, and the only time you could hear him just yelling, and being angry at kids, and teachers. He's always being excused to go somewhere.. I want to talk to him.. But how..? I might just get hurt like the others... I bet he doesn't even know who I am.. I should forget him. We're nothing alike.

I shouldn't have said that. I saw him playing with that toy shovel I gave him. He didn't smile though.. But his eyes were different.. In that blue deep sea of eyes.. He was pleased.

"Who are you looking at? I swear... If it's that Kaito kid again..."

"Oh. I was just looking to check if anyone was using the swings, but they were occupied."

"Oh! Good! Because that kid is bad trouble."

Bad trouble.. No he wasn't. He had every right to react.. Right..?


I agreed, lying with my tongue. I think I had a big crush on him. I was just scared of him. Did that count? I don't think so... It doesn't. If I have a crush on someone I wouldn't be scared. I don't like him. He's nothing to me. He can't even smile. This is so stupid..

..I like him. He makes my stomach have butterflies. He's something else.


I jumped startled by the yelling. It was him. Kaito. He was shuffling with his hair, and gripping it. He was sitting beside the bathroom door. I looked at him worriedly unsure what to do.

"Are you okay?"

"NO! NO!"

..What..? No? What did he mean? No?

"What's wrong..?"



My heart shattered. Me? What?.. He just kept pulling on his hair, and then a teacher ran up to him. The teacher asked me if I was touched. I shook my head no. What was happening..? Kaito pushed the teacher off him but the teacher kept grabbing him to the office. That was weird.. I was wrong..? What did I do..? I looked down and saw the broken toy shovel. It was the one I got him. I looked at it as it was broken into two. Did he do this? ...He probably did. He probably hates me. That's okay, I'll wait for him to come around.. I mean we barely talked. He doesn't know me. Forget about him. I went home with a gloomy face.

"You okay sweetie?"

"Yes." I replied with a pace. A quick one. I didn't want to speak.


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