The Real Truth.

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We reached the bathroom. I didn't know what was happening.

"What are you doing- OW. THAT STINGS."

She was dabbing a cotton ball with alcohol on my wounded arms.


She covered my mouth. What?

"Kaito, you need to be silent. My mom would think something else. This is also for your arm. You know there's this disease going around? It could cause your arm to get amputated from it getting infected."

That scared the hell out of me, so I tried to keep quiet. But my arm stinged and burned as hell. This was worse than the flames, and cuts.

"Okay. There." She finished, and wrapped my arms with a cloth of bandages. "Now your other arm.."

"What..?! I have to do this again!?"

"Yes. Do you want your arm to get detached?"

I didn't complain, and she finished up with my other arm. Good thing she was gentle, and careful.

Then her grandma pushed the door open. "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" She yelled.

I just stared at her meemaw with watery eyes because of the burning alcohol still in effect.

"He accidentally scratched his arm. He's never heard of disinfecting it. This is his first time." Meiko explained.

"What? Where has that boy been?" She said sarcastically.

I quickly wiped my eyes. "Here." I answered, I didn't know that she was being sarcastic.

"Okay.. You two go to bed! And you." Her meemaw pointed at me. "You better be sleeping on the ground." She glared, and laughed. She then left the bathroom.

"Sorry about her."

"Does she hate me?" I asked worriedly.

"No. She was just playing around." Meiko reassured me.


We then quickly went back to her room. I was just looking down at my right arm.

"You did good." I blurted out. "With the bandages."

"Oh.. Thanks. I used to fall a lot when I was younger. My dad would help me with my scratches."

"That's good."


I sat down on the sleeping bag, then resting my head on the pillow. It wasn't the best, but it was better than my other bed. Meiko was in the bathroom brushing her teeth.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah." I nodded.

She got into bed, and I just turned to my side. I didn't really know what to do but sleep.

"Kaito." Meiko finally spoke.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Why does your mom hit you?"

I didn't really know the answer, but I assumed she did it because of my dad.

"I think it's because I look like my dad-" I stopped. I did look like him. I had his ugly blue hair, and his ugly deep blue eyes. "She was also drunk too. I think she hated me because of how much stress I gave her by fighting other kids, or maybe it was because I am pathetic."

"You aren't pathetic, Kaito."

"I am."

"No you aren't.. I've seen you. You aren't pathetic."

"I am pathetic, I've been like this since day one. I can't even make my mom be proud of me."

Meiko sat up. "Well, I'm proud of you. You're still here, still existing. You're not pathetic, Kaito. You're way much more than that. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have known what to do. You're really strong."

My face flushed pink, and my ears began to burn. I didn't know what came over me. I stood up, and sat right next to her on the bed.

"You think I'm strong?" I asked, confused.

"Of course.. Look at you. You're still in pieces. I'm sure of it. I couldn't have handled the pain if I were you-"

I leaned in, closing my eyes. I laid my lips onto hers, and we kissed.

I quickly pulled away, with widened eyes. I saw her surprised at what I did, but she was also flustered too.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Fuck."

"Nono, you're fine. I actually really liked that." Meiko smiled at me.

"Wait.. So this means.. We're something?" I asked, still breath taken.

"If you want to be.." She chuckled.

"I guess. I- you- Are you okay with it?"

Meiko nodded.

"Okay." I had to quickly answer before I said even more stupid things.

We both stayed silent, just sitting on the bed not saying a peep. Should I kiss her again? Are there rules? What should I do? I- This is so fucking hard to decide.

"Are there any rules to this?" I asked, how stupid am I?

"I don't know.. I never dated someone before, or even.. Kiss another boy.."

"Too bad you weren't my first kiss." I looked away, feeling bad. I did wish she was, but she wasn't. It was that fucking, ugly pig.

"Ah.." She hummed.

I just nodded.

"I'm going to sleep." I configured, and slid down her bed to my sleeping bag.

"You can have my bed if you want.."

"No, I can't do that. Your meemaw and mom will kill me."

She laughed, and I found myself smiling. I quickly caught it, and stopped. I turned around not facing her anymore, and I completely passed out sleeping.


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