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I was on the ground. My face is even sorer than before. The fists kept on coming. Everything was just blurry. I was just filled with rage. I wanted to knock him out like he was with me, but if I did.. I'd probably get beaten. I was just doing this for Meiko. I had to. The ringing in my ears kept on continuing. I turned my head, even if he had the best hit near that point. I just wanted to see Meiko's face. What was she thinking? Does she think I'm just some sore loser? I was losing. And I was supposed to win. He had her stuff. I had to do it for her. I kept on coughing. The blood just kept pouring. I didn't know which one. Was it my mouth? Or was it my nose? I could feel the blood at the back of my throat. I might have been bleeding from both. The back of my teeth was missing. Everything was in pain. Everything burned. It sting. I couldn't do anything, but just look at her. She looked like she wanted to cry. She was looking at me with horror. No.. Was it worrisome..? No.. It's definitely with horror. We were getting along just fine, and now it comes to this. I'm sorry, Meiko.


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