Otto x Hero Female Reader

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~~Your Pov~~

"So! It is with great pride we honor the heroes of New York City!" The governor declares, placing medals around yours and Peter's necks. "Without these two, we would not have justice."

"Imagine that," You hiss quietly at Peter as you both smirk behind your masks when the governor turns away.

"You'll blow the cover," He fires back just as quietly.

"So! I would love to invite both heroes to my Christmas Eve party tonight!" The mayor declares, the cheering crowd drowning out the groans this earns from you and Peter.

"We'll try to swing by," Peter tells the mayor. "But, I'm afraid we really must be off. Crime doesn't sleep after all."

"Most crime," You chuckle before Peter lets go of his webbing to latch onto a building and swings away.

Fire swirls around you before you're gone in a flash as well, humming softly as you appear in your boyfriend's lab.

"The ash Y/N! The ash!" Otto groans when he walks in with a cup of coffee. "How many times have I told you not to do that?"

"I've lost count at this point," You admit, pulling off your mask and walking over to give him a kiss. "I see you didn't sleep again."

"You're one to talk nighttime vigilante," Otto huffs back. "I saw the interview. You're not really going are you?"

"I was just thinking a stop in. Why? Did you have plans?" You ask him with a smile.

"No," He huffs in reply. "You know my feelings towards our wonderful mayor."

"Considering he funds a lot of your projects I'm surprised you don't like him more," You remark, hopping onto his work bench.

"Are you on a destruction mission?" He questions, shooing you off his table. "Please get down."

"What's this?" You ask, plucking his notes out from under you to thumb through them.

"Don't you have work?" Otto asks, glancing at his watch. "You're going to be late."

"Is all you ever do is work?" You sigh, setting down the stack of notes after writing and doodling on them with your infamous blue pen.

"What's the matter?" He presses, resting a gentle hand on your thigh as his gaze softens. "What holiday did I miss this time?"

"Christmas. Someone clearly didn't watch the interview," You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck when he comes closer. "I have yet to be asked to be your Christmas present."

"As if I'm dating someone else?" Otto questions, giving in to your kiss. "What's this really about? I know for a fact Christmas isn't for another week."

"I wanted to see if you'd be my date. Just a quick stop in then straight here. He invited us on live television. It would be rude to refuse," You explain.

"Aren't you and Spider-Man supposed to go together?" Peter asks as he walks through the lab door, earning a groan from you.

"Well, the Phoenix no longer wants the spider," You reply, sticking your tongue out at Peter.

"Aren't you a little old for that?" Otto chuckles, gently grabbing your chin. "Don't want me to bite it off do you?"

"We're smart enough to speak in other ways," You hiss back, returning Otto's kiss until Peter makes gagging noises.

"Work. Both of you," Otto orders, Peter doing a mock salute and heading to the computer.

"Think about it?" You plead with hopeful eyes.

Doctor Otto Octavius x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now