Otto x Girlfriend Reader (Part One)

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⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
⚠️ Drugging ⚠️

~~Your POV~~

"Hello New York! It's Danny Davidson coming to you live! Festivities are already well underway here in New York as the New Year draws ever closer. I'm filming from the hottest party of the year where our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man may make an entrance. Tell me! Mayor! Who else will we be expecting," The news castor grins.

"Last chance to go," You remind Otto as you finish the last of your makeup.

"I don't need all of New York and its supervillains knowing who my partner is. I don't go to parties. You know this. Just stay home. No one is making you go," Otto growls from the bedroom where he's muted the television.

"Most of them have already figured it out," You point out as you leave the bathroom. "Please Otto?"

"Why are you so desperate to go?" He snaps back.

"Otto," You sigh, walking over to the bed and grabbing his hands. "You know I have to for my job."

"You should just quit. I can help support you. That Danny Davidson is way too chummy with you," Otto grumbles softly, earning a shake of your head from you.

"As one of the top contractors of the city I have to do interviews. We're friends Otto. Nothing more," You tell him. "You trust me, don't you?"

His eyes widen in surprise before they soften as he gentle squeezes your hands.

"I trust YOU, not everyone else," Otto sighs. "Just be careful. Okay?"

"Always," You smile, giving him a gentle kiss. "I'll be back in time for our New Year's kiss."

"I'm holding you to that," He smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too," You smile back.

He lets you go and you grab your purse, pausing when Otto wraps his coat around your shoulders.

"It doesn't match but at least this way people will know," He explains.

"Thank you darling," You smile, giving him another kiss before hurrying downstairs to the waiting car.

"Y/N! You made it!" Danny grins when you enter the party. "You HAVE to take a picture with me."

You laugh and do so before heading to mingle with the rest of the guests. You greet the people you need to, two hours passing by in a flash. You check the time and head to grab Otto's coat from the concierge and slipping it on.

"Y/N! Real quick before you go!" Danny calls, he and the mayor coming up to you.

"I'm sorry to slip out early but I need to get home," You tell them with an apologetic smile.

"One more drink my dear? The bartender makes a mean Jeweled Rum," Danny points out.

"Oh? That's a new one. Alright, one drink then I really must be off," You chuckle.

Jeweled Rum is about as fancy as it sounds. Sugar crystals of varying colors turn the rum into a shimmering drink, swirling into a dark purple, looking almost like a potion. You accept yours when Danny brings them over to you and the mayor.

"So, what's the decision on the new skyscraper?" The mayor asks as all of you drink.

"Unfortunately, it gets in the way of too many migratory birds. If we shrink it, then it's okay, but it's way too tall. Plus, the windows aren't reflective which will lead to more deaths. We have a lot of endangered species that migrate through here every year," You explain, swallowing the rest of your drink.

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