~Chapter One~

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This story starts at the medical facility ran by Xenobotanist Grace Augustine, the scientist leading the Avatar program on the planet Pandora.




"I knew it was a terrible idea sending that fucking man!"

The tall woman screamed, stomping towards her ash tray and putting out her cigarette. Turning around, one of her assistants started trying to calm her down whilst the doctor lit up another cigarette.

"Doctor, you cannot let this man get in the way of our schedule! The new scientists have arrived and we got a huge new inventory to unload-"

The assistant, Maria, was quickly interrupted by another member of their team who raced over with a screen pad in hand.

"Dr. Augustine, there is no sign of Mina's daughter. Every body has been accounted for except the child."

Grace let out a sob, covering her face in her hands and dropping her cigarette. Maria was quick to stomp out the still burning ash, gasping as Grace dropped to her knees.

"I failed her...my God, I failed her...."

"Dr. Augustine!?" The two assistants called out in unison, trying to catch their boss from falling entirely.

Standing up quickly, Grace wiped her face and locked eyes on the door leading to the amnio tanks.

"I'm going in." Grace mumbled.

"Doctor?!" Maria replied, already knowing what her boss intended to do.

Marching her way into the bay, Grace passed by the amnio tanks and started up her link bed almost instantly.

"Dr. Augustine, there is nothing you can do by going out there!" Maria tried once again.

Grace spun around, her index finger pointing directly at Maria, only an inch away from her eye.

"Mina was the first woman to come to Pandora with a child! She was pregnant here, she gave birth here, and she raised that little girl for over a year! Here on Pandora!"

She took a quick deep breath before continuing, dropping her hand away from Maria's face slowly.

"Mo'at gave her a blessing that has never been given to a human before... If there is anything I can do, I can go to her and ask for help finding Mina's child. We owe that to Mina, and to that little girl."

After Grace was finished, Maria could do nothing but step back and help connect the Doctor to her avatar, Kìreysì.


Grace Augustine's POV-


Waking up in my avatar body, the scientists around me were confused by the sudden transfer. A few of them tried to help me up and go through the normal tests, but I ordered them to leave me alone. Adjusting to the difference in height and vision, I took a deep breath before leaving the tent and walking onto the lush property. I couldn't help but smile at the Avatars playing with the Na'vi children, they were near the school house we had built such a long time ago. Finding myself a single driver ATV, I grabbed a ready-pack and hopped into the seat. Starting up the engine, I drove off of the research facility and sped my way towards the destroyed medical lab.


Pulling up to the property, I shut off the engine and climbed out slowly. 

I couldn't control myself as the tears rained down my face and I dropped to the ground. I didn't care about the broken glass and sharp metal cutting into my legs. All I could do was just sit and stare at the bodies and rubble. Struggling to stand, I stumbled past two bodies that managed to miss the direct center of the blast.

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