~Chapter Seven~

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Narrator's POV-


Neytiri and Jake thought they were only going to talk about Jake's story, introducing Illuna to the world of avatars and all that came of her father's journey on Pandora. But, without warning, it turned into a conversation about Illuna's birth mother, revealing all hidden secrets Jake and Neytiri had kept from her. By the time they were done talking and answering questions, it was pitch black outside and Illuna was on the verge of passing out from crying all day. 

"Vospximrr oe pwm tipawm?" Illuna called out, wiping her face of any remaining tears.

(May I ask question?)

Neytiri smiled softly, "Srane, tiyawn."

(Yes, love.)

Illuna took a deep breath before speaking.

"Lumpe nga new ne sweyn oe ulte Lily?"

(Why you want to keep me and Lily?)

Neytiri and Jake shared a confused glance.

Illuna ignored them and continued, "Txo palulukan's lu ah olo' kllpxiltu kxutu, lumpe ke tspang sno?"

(If thanators are a clan territory enemy, why not kill her?)

Illuna looked at Lily with sad eyes before pointing to her own chest.  

"Ulte lumpe ke tspang oe? Nga nemrey mi+ letut wempongu tam ta tawtutes ulte oe ah tawtute mi+ nga atxkxe."

(And why not kill me? You were in constant battle with the humans and I a human on you land.)

The girl bit her lip suddenly, stopping herself. Thinking for a moment, she looked down at her hands and sighed. 

"Feral... Nga ha ta tiftxey ne hum oe ne terkup fu lonu ta olo' 'i'a oe.. Lumpe pe'un ne sweyn ayoe ulte wem ne pe'un Lily ulte oe ne rey?"

(Feral... You had the choice to leave me to die or let the clan end me.. Why decide to keep us and fight to keep Lily and me to live?)

Neytiri smiled and looked at Jake, "Ah ti'efu.."

(A feeling..)

Illuna pinched her brows together, looking at her mother.

"Teng ti'efu krrpe oe ultxarun nga sempul."

(Same feeling when I encounter you father.)

Illuna's father chuckled, "Nga lam ne tiyawn tawtutes, Babe."

(You seem to love humans, Babe.)

Neytiri growled and shoved her husband lightly with her shoulder. 

"Kehe, oe lu lenomum, slä tspang pxay ulte ha txukx tive'ki fa ayfo fnel-"

(No, I am curious, but kill many and have deep hatred for they kind-)

She switched her gaze to her daughter, "-slä nga ulte nga sempul lu keteng."

(-but you and you father are different.)

Neytiri placed her hand on Jake's knee, "Po lu ta tiyawn af oe tirey.."

(He is the love of me life..)

She then placed her other hand on Illuna's upper back, "Ulte nga tsawl slu ne slu oe wotx txe'lan."

(And you grow to become me whole heart.)

The mother removed her hands and looked towards the ground. The moon light gave them enough light to see the stone and dirt beneath their feet. Neytiri crouched down and dug her hand into the dirt. Painting her fingers, Jake and Illuna watched curiously as Neytiri began drawing a heart on the stone in front of them.

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