~Chapter Three~

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Narrator's POV-


Neytiri and Jake stood outside of their hut with Grace Augustine, the trio arguing whilst Illuna and Lily hid inside. 

"Grace, awnga tsun ke lawk teri fikem pxiset! Awnga kin ne lawk teri lumpe nga sneaked nefa Omatikaya kllpxìltu?!" Jake shouted at

(Grace we can not talk about this right now! We need to talk about why you sneaked into Omatikaya territory?!)

The female growled, stepping forward only for Neytiri to meet her nose to nose whilst hissing.

Grace slowly stepped back from her friends, "Nga rolun sno tsing kintrr kam ulte nga kawkrr fpilfya ne peng oe?!"

(You found her four week ago and you never thought to tell me?!)

She looked over at Jake with a sad expression, "Jake, oe tse'a nga fratrr, takrra ta trr nga tsyul ulte nga wan sno ftu oe?"

(Jake, I see you every day, since the day you start and you hide her from me?)

Jake couldn't bring himself to look at her, but Grace kept going, tears welling up in her eyes once again.

"Mina's 'ite? Nga new ne sweyn sno ftu oe?"

(Mina's daughter? You want to keep her from me?)

Neytiri became annoyed at her words, snarling and looking at her mate.

"Sno lu mine! Maite. ... Mina lu fa Eywa."

(She is mine! My daughter. ... Mina is with Eywa.)

Her words were serious, her eyes were dangerous, and she was staring at Grace like she was mentally nailing her words into the woman's brain. Jake could tell his mate was on the edge and he really didn't want to see what would happen if she stepped off. Taking a step forward and wrapping an arm around Neytiri's waist, he tried to quietly calm her down the best he could. At the same time, trying to talk to Grace.

"Grace, oe tam kawkrr munge sno tsatseng, akum lu a syen tipe'un. Po na a ioang krrpe  Tsu'tey rolun sno, feral, ulte po rusey hu palulukan's."

(Grace, I will never take her there, that is a final decision. She like a beast when Tsu'tey found her, feral, and she living with thanators.)

Grace was about to explode, "PO 'UPE?!"


"Nitam!" Jake finally had enough and shouted.


Both Grace and Neytiri were shocked, jumping slightly because of how loud the sound was. Taking a deep breath, Jake was annoyed and wanted nothing more than to go back inside and hangout with his daughter. Glancing at his mate, he locked eyes with Grace.

He lifted a hand and pointed back towards his home, "Akun lu Nitam, maite lu mi+ tsatseng terrified alunta po komum pesu nga lu!"

(That is enough, my daughter is in there terrified because she don't know who you are!)

All the sadness and betrayal Grace was feeling was quickly replaced with that of confusion and disbelief. 

Ignoring her changing expression, Jake continued, "Set, oe new ne nuwintxu nga, slä nga mi ke peng ayoe lumpe nga brake Na'vi koren ayll ulte za'u fitseng,"

(Now, I want to introduce you, but you still not told us why you brake Na'vi law and come here.)

Grace ignored everything after Jake said the word ''Ite', which means 'My Daughter'. She couldn't understand or even believe what the man was saying. 

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