~Chapter Five~

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Narrator's POV-


The battle finally started.

Thousands of metal machines covered the ground and filled the sky, all heading in the direction of the Well of Souls. On the other side, leaving the sacred land of the Omatikaya clan, the massive collection of diversified Na'vi were led by a single creature. Toruk, and on his back was Jake. Wielding a fire arm of his own, he led the clans into battle against the Sky People.

On the ground, hatches opened and thousands of armed soldiers streamed out and onto the fields surrounding the Hallelujah Mountains. Warriors riding direhorses ran towards them with speed that could match the banshees in the sky. They had their bows lifted and already knocked with arrows, ready to fire on sight. Huge robotic machines, fully powered by human soldiers, stomped their way through the fields. Tearing down trees and smashing anything in their path. The soldiers were ready and waiting for the Na'vi to appear, when all of a sudden the ground beneath them started shaking. Bracing themselves, they were shocked to see over three hundred armed hunters barreling towards them. Norm was among the army of warriors, on the back of a direhorse being led by a Na'vi born hunter. He carried a rifle in his arms, already aimed at a few soldiers heads. 

In the air, Quaritch stands in the main ship right at the front line. He searches the ground for any sight of Jake before troopers start shouting at shadows appearing on their cameras. 

"We got company!" One of the pilots shouted, banking to the right.

They weren't fast enough though, as Jake landed right on the nose of the ship, Toruk using his razor sharp claws to tear at the glass and metal. Jake could barely hold on while they spun down towards the ground. Reeling back and pulling Toruk away, they sent the air craft down to the cliff side. Toruk opened his wings and they floated back up to the swarm of flying machines. Jake glanced down and watched as the air craft hit the ground and turned into a very satisfying fireball.

Watching Jake take down one of the bigger machines he had in his arsenal, Quaritch slammed his headset down on the command desk. 


He turned around and stomped out of the cockpit, off to find something to fly.

Diving down and away from hills, Jake tried his best to avoid the cannons exploding beside him. Disappearing into the trees, Tsu'tey passed him with such speed, Jake didn't even notice. Tsu'tey was focused on a pilot actually following Jake. Banking left, the pilot was too slow and received an arrow straight to the throat. Bouncing off of the falling aircraft, Tsu'tey flew off to the next target while knocking another arrow, his banshee letting out a war cry of its own.  

Banshees and aircrafts fell from the sky one by one, a life for a life. A horrible cycle that repeated itself over and over again. 

To the left of Jake, a few miles away, Neytiri shouted at Seze to fly faster. Her banshee let out a sharp cry before beating her wings as hard as she could. A scorpion, one of the smaller aircrafts issued by the government, followed right behind Neytiri. Hot on her tail, she worked with Seze to weave in between the lower trees, trying to knock them off their trail. The pilot wouldn't give up, ripping through the hanging vines and sending a missile through the waterfall she flew through. Crossing through the water, the pilot watched as rubble pummeled Neytiri and she disappeared within the blast. Thinking he had taken down Jake's mate, he reached to grab the communications radio and alert the team of his victory. But the second his hand touched the microphone, Neytiri appeared out of no where and slammed Seze on top of the flying machine. The gunner freaked and immediately reached for his firing button. Luck was not on his side, as a huge shadow took over the area. Neytiri sensing her mate, forced Seze to back off just as Toruk shot down and destroyed the scorpion. The machine fell down towards the ground like a falling star, blowing up into a big ball of fire upon impact. 

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