the accident.

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*Your Pov*

you got ready to go to starbucks because you wanted a coffee.
You put your makeup on, did your hair and put on your outfit. You grabbed your car keys and got in your car. "Such a beautiful day today, i look amazing" you tought to yourself. after you started your route, you decided to stop at target to get some things. As you drove to go to target, wich was 11,3 km away, you suddendly see a motocyrcle pass right in between you and a truck, at insane speed, and break your mirror. "Wtf ?!"

*biker's pov*

I got up and wanted to go on a insane bike ride, i wanted to feel the adrenaline. So thats what i did. Got on my bike and started playing with my life. I saw in the distance, a big truck next to a BMW. There was a tight gap between them. "Do you think i can fit in there?" I chuckled to myself. "Fuck it." I speeded and passed right in between the two vehicules, and a crash sound was heard. I Slow down, look behind, and fuck. I damaged a bmw's mirror, the dude in it will sue me for sure. I pull up to the side waiting for the guy to come up to me so i can apologize. The car pulls up behind my bike, parks, and as i wait for the guy anxiously, a geourgous girl comes out of the vehicule.

*both povs*

Yn: "Hey man are you crazy????"

Hn: "ma'am im verry sorry about your mirror-"

Yn: "you couldve really hurt yourself ! That is verry dangerous !"

Hn: "wait what? Dont you care about your mirror?"

Yn: "yes of course i do! But a human life comes first. So who's going to pay for that!? Huh! I think i might just have to call the police."

Hn's eyes widen in shock behind his helmet.

Hn: "ma'am please don't do that!"

Yn: "why should i listen to you ?"

Hn looks at you and cant help himself but admire you. You look strangely cute when ur mad. Aside from being georgous.

Hn takes a few step closer and shoots his shot discretely.

Hn: "ma'am please dont do that, i will pay for the damages, what's your number ?"

Yn: "its **** *** ***."

Hn: "thanks, may i perhaps know what you were planning on doing today ? Where were you going, i can take you there."

Yn: "i was just going to go to target, and get starbucks."

Hn: "i can take you to those places and take you back home if you want"

Yn: "what about my car ??"

Hn: "we can call a tower, i'll pay the remorquing fees sweetheart, don't worry."

Yn thinks for a moment and thinks, why not?

Yn: "ok whatever bike guy."

Hn chuckles and takes off his helmet.

Hn: "Im Simon, simon reiley. What's your name, sweetheart?"

Yn blushes when she sees his face. He's georgous. His body is so muscular and well-shaped.

Yn: "uh..... yes"

SR: "whats your name?.."

Yn: "oh uh, its *your name*"

SR: "nice to meet you, sweetheart."

You blush. Why is he so attractive what the hell. While the tow truck tows your car, simon approaches you.
Hes really close...

SR: "promise not to tell a soul. Am i clear, sweetheart?"

His face is inches from yours. You would just want him to...

Simon pulls you in closer by the waist and kisses you passionately and aggressively. The kiss doesnt stop. The kiss goes on for a while, your hands on his chest, struggling to breathe. You let a quiet moan indicating him that you are out of breath.

You both let go, cheeks red, breathing heavily. Simon finds you amusing.

SR: "i said, am i clear?"

You: "y-yeah.."

SR: "alright lets go princess"

Simon gives you his helmet and drives you to target and starbucks. The great thing about this is, he paid for all your stuff! You finally both arrive at your house.

You get off the bike and give him his helmet back.

SR: "you can keep it sweetheart"

You get surprised by his answer.

You: "alright see you biker boy~"

You smile at him and go inside your house.

*Simon's pov*

She smiles and she walks away. I cant help but stare at her ass. She's so hot, she's literally perfect.. i got her number tho.

Yn gives me a teasing smirk as she opens the door to her house.

*your pov*

I give him a teasing smirk as i open the door. I chuckle as he does a "call me!" Sign.

Hours pass and it's about midnight. "Im kinda lonely, and i cant sleep. Plus, i cant get this Simon reiley guy out of my head !" You think to yourself

"Wait.. why not just call him?"

Girl its midnight. But you really need someone right now, and it's him. You need him. You want him.

Simon Ghost Riley As A BikerWhere stories live. Discover now