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SR: "what a mess" he chuckles, taking off his helmet, to reveal his sweaty face under the backlava. You can only see his eyes but its just enough to give you buterflies.

Simon picks up his shirt to put it on, but then looks at you. Trembling and shivering.

SR: "you cold, sweetheart?"

"Yes" you nod.

Simon gets up from the bed and opens the drawer. He picks out a new underwear for you, and a pair of red plaid pyjama pants.

SR: "hey i got the same ones, we can match if we ever go to my place sweetheart"

You chuckle as simon gives you new clothes to wear.

You: "simon?"

SR: "yes ma'am?"

You: "can i actually just, wear your shirt?"

Simon looks at you for a moment and hesitates.

SR: "what am i gonna wear bunny?"

You smile.

You: "nothing, that's the best part"

Simon laughs.

SR: "Alright, but we are going to my place"

You: "why?"

SR: "the bed is wet bunny, and i live 5 mins away from you."

You: "ok, i want to see you ride shirtless."

Simon rolls his eyes and laughs.

SR: "you're so needy for a stranger i just met"

You put on your clothes and simon's shirt, and you both go on his bike.

You put on simon's helmet and hug him tight from behind, feeling his muscles.

SR: "you love touching my muscles, don't you bunny?"

You giggle. Yes you do love that.
His body is so hot.

You: "oh shut up simon"

Simon chuckles and starts the bike. You get startled by the loud noise and simon finds it cute.

SR: "is my lil princess scared?"

You: "shut up! Im not scared, i just go startled."

Simon and you ride back to his place and enter the house.

SR: "are you hungry, princess?"

You: "yeah kinda"

Simon walks over to the fridge and pulls out a bowl full of fresh fruits.

SR: "i heard that fruits makes you taste sweet down there..."

You look at him surprised.

You: "simon?..."

Simon walks closer to you with the fruits.

SR: "i want you to finish that bowl of fruits in one week, and after that, i'll eat you out like a fucking wolf."

You look at simon, stunned.
Simon walks even closer to you and pulls you in closer by the waist.

Simon pulls your head back by your hair and starts kissing your neck and leaving marks on it.

You: "simon! We just fucked..!"

Simon doesnt stop, and licks your neck making you moan.

SR: "fuck, i love the sounds that you make bunny.." simon lets go of your hair and gives you a popsicle.

SR: "you said u were hungry, so eat that while i cook a good, nutritious meal for you. I bet you survive off of starbucks princess, and that's not good."

Simon looks at you with serious eyes, giving you shivers down your spine.

You: "sorry mr. Simon..."

Simon's eyes widen.

SR: "mr.Simon?..."

You smile at him.

SR: "dont call me that princess"

You: "ok, princess"

Oh oh..

Simon's eyes turn into an intimidating look. He's looking at you like before... like a hungry predator, and you're the prey. Maybe that's why he often calls you...

SR: "bunny. What did you just call me."

You gulp down your saliva, but you try to keep your cool, and tease him.

You: "princess."

You laugh at him. But he doesnt laugh.

SR: "call me that one more time, bunny?" He chalenges you.

You: "princess!" You yell. You start to run away. You dont know where you are going, and you go into the first room that you see and lock yourself in it. Simon catches up to you but doesnt catch you in time before you lock yourself in...

SR: "bunny... that's my room you just locked yourself in."

You cover your mouth with your hands.

SR: "i got the keys to that door, bunny."

He laughs misvechiously. You hear
Sounds of keys, and he suddenly starts trying to open the door.
You react fast and hide in the closet.

Simon unlocks the door and slams it open.

SR: "bunnyyyy... i know you're in there.."

You try to breathe slowly to stay quiet, but you make a clothe hanger fall on your head. "Ouch!-" you gasp.

Simon's head turns towards the closet. He smirks.

Simon walks towards the closet and opens it with one hand.

SR: "got you."

Simon Ghost Riley As A BikerWhere stories live. Discover now