"i wont hold back."

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Simon suddenly picks you up over his shoulder and walks in the hallway. He sees 3 doors.

SR: "which one's your room, bunny?" He orders you to answer.

You: "uh the second on the left !" You nervously answer. You close your eyes in fear, but you also feel excited.

SR: "what is that bunny. Why's my helmet in your bed?"

You gasp. Thats so embarassing.

You: "omg.. i uh.. i was cuddling it earlier ?..." you cover your mouth with your hands out of pure embarassment.

SR: "excuse me??? You mean i could've cuddle with you but you chose my helmet???" You blush.

Simon throws you on the bed, and puts his helmet on. He hops on top of you and you hold your breath.

SR: "i know you,re scared, don't try to hide it." He chuckles. "And you should be, im not going to hold back on you."
Your expression turn into pure fear. But it excites you so much at the same time!

Simon unbunckles his belt, unzips his pants, and takes off his boxers, all that under 3 seconds.

You look down immidiatly and gasp, covering your mouth with one hand out of pure shock. Simon chuckles at your reaction, your fear feeds his excitement.

Its so big... its long, and thick... and its throbbing.

He is rock hard.

SR: "that is your fault. And you will suffer the consequences, princess"

Without warning, simon rips off your panties. You gasp out of surprise.

SR: "woah.. bunny, why are you so wet hm?" You blush and look away.

SR: "i asked you a question." He says, his tone a little more impatient and demanding. His deep voice makes you blush even more.

You: "y-you're just so hot... i find you really attractive...and... um..."

Simon takes off his shirt making your eyes shift to his chest and abs.

SR: "and..?"

You: "the helmet.." you quietly say.

Simon laughs.

SR: "my helmet huh? You're into that? Fucking slut"

Simon opens your legs and pust them on his shoulders.

SR: "thats gonna hurt bunny <3" he tells you grinning under his helmet.

He places his tip on your wet entrance, and slams his dick in withiut warning, making you scream in pain.

Simon laughs at you. He finds your reaction cute. He starts going back and forth, quickly.

"Fuck! Simon s-slow down!" You screak out, putting your hands on his abdomen trying to make him pull out.

That angers him and amuses him at the same time. How dare u try to push him away?

SR: "what's that?! Faster!? You got it princess!" He says. He goes faster and you scream.

SR: "get your fcking hands off of my chest, I decide how deep i go." He growls. He takes your hands and pins you to the bed really hard.

"Simon! Please! Be gentle!"
You moan.

Simon gets even more aroused hearing you moan his name.

SR: "ok! Ill go harder!" He says.

He goes harder making you arch your back. You can feel his dick in your tummy.
"Simonnn!" You moan.

SR: "yeah, moan my name you little slut."

He goes twice as fast as before and even harder. "SIMON! F-FUCK!" you scream and moan.

He is so aroused right now.

SR: "you're driving me crazy, sugar"

He stops trusting but stays inside of u. He rubs your clit with his thumb and smirks.

SR: "let me hear you say my name, say it."

You moan in pleasure.


SR: "simon ? Simon who? Say it! Say my name princess!"

He says in a demanding tone, rubbing your clit faster.

You moan in uncontrolable pleasure.

"S-Simon riley-"


he shouts, rubbing your clit faster and trusting into you again, hitting your g spot.

"SIMON RILEY!!" you cry out.

Simon, satisfied, trusts into you faster.

SR: "goodgirl."

You: "i-im close simon! So close!"

Simon laughs.

SR: "and when did i say you have permission to cum hm? Dont cum until i say so." You cry. Simon goes harder and faster, then slow and gentle. Again and again, continuing to tease you, blocking every orgasm.

"S-Simon- please! Im begging! Please let me cum!" You cry out.

SR: "hmmm idk... can you?" He laughs.

SR: "you can cum, princess."

He goez faster and harder til you cant anymore, and you cum and squirt everywhere on the bed.

Simon doesnt stop and starts moaning slightly. Finaly, he fills you up with his warm semen.

Simon Ghost Riley As A BikerWhere stories live. Discover now