round 2

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Simon grabs your hands with just one hand, and drives you towards the bed.

SR: "didn't you learn your lesson bunny?"

you: "im sorry?"

SR: "no."

Simon unbuckles his belt and pulls down his boxers.

SR: "Suck it."

You look at his hard member twitching, screaming to get pleased.

You: "suck it?..."

SR: "did i stutter? I said suck it."

You gulp down your saliva and approach his dick slowly. You start to stroke it slowly, and kitten lick the tip.

Simon looks down at you, pleased.

SR: "cmon bunny... suck it.."

Without warning you take the whole thing in your mouth and began sucking it.

Simon groans in relief.

SR: "fuck... you're so good at this bunny..."

After a while of sucking him real good, he pulls your head back, grabs you by the waist and yeets you on the bed.

SR: "ass up for me bunny."

You stay still, in shock.

SR: "i said ass up."

You obey him and pulls down your pants. He slams himself into you without warning and starts fucking you just like before.
You love being controlled by him, it just turns you on so much to get dominated by ghost..

SR: "you always feel so good bunny..." simon groans.

He goes faster and faster and faster, making both of you moan in harmony.

SR: "im getting closer princess! Be a good girl for me and take it all in !"

You moan in pleasure as his dick keeps hitting your g spot over and over again, his balls slapping against your ass.

Simon cums inside of you, and slaps your ass.

SR: "goodgirl... dont ever, call me that again. Am i clear?" U nod yes with ur head, and collapse on the bed.

Simon chuckles at the scene, he loves seeing you being overstimulated...

He cleans you up, pulls your pants up, and covers you with a blanket. He comes up to you and kisses you on your forehead.

SR: "i love you, mi amor."

He smiles and goes to the kitchen to cook for his princess.

*some time later*

You wake up and find yourself in his bed, covered in a blanket.

You: "what's that smell?" You say curiously. You get up from the bed and follow the smell to the kitchen. You see simon pouring some fresh alfredo pastas in 2 plates.

He looks so hot.

You: "simon?"

SR: "princess, you're awake! Sorry for going too hard on you.. you passed out !" He chuckles.

You go to him and hug him. He kisses your head and hugs you back.

SR: "i love you bunny"

You: "i love you too simon, did you really cook for me?"

SR: "yes sweetheart, you said you were hungry and you still didnt eat!"

You smile and stick your face on his bare chest.

You: "you're so sweet... simon.. can i be yours ?"

Simon pauses for a moment and kisses you.

SR: "arent you already mine?" He smirks referring to later during the day.

You blush.

You: "simon! I mean literally..."

SR: "yes sweetheart, ofc. You are now mine, and i am yours." He says kissing you softly.

You hug him tighter and he does too.

You: "i love you biker boy"

SR: "i love you too, stranger"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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