The call.

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*Simon's pov*

Its about midnight and i cant sleep. I suddenly get a call from an unknown number. Who might this be ?

SR: "hello?"

??: "hey biker boy.."

SR: "princess? Why are you calling me so late?"

You: "umm.. this is kinda embarassing but..."

SR: "spit it out bunny"

You: "i miss you. I cant get you out of my head and i decided to call you, im extrememly lonely. And i cant sleep..."

That made simon smirk.

SR: "on my way."

You: "wait what?"

Simon hangs up the phone.

*your pov*

"On my way?.." he's really coming here? For me?

5 minutes later he's already there. You hear a loud bike roaring in the distance. "Hes already there?!"

You see him pull up in your drive way and park his bike. You are filled with so many toughts and question. You blush a little.

You open the door and simon enters and closes it behind him. You gulp. Hes towering over you, looking at you with piercing eyes. He looks like a predator.
He walks closer, making you walk backwards, until you find yourself trapped.

SR: "why do you keeo backing up, you're scared?" He chuckles.

You: "im not scared of you! You can't do anything to me..." you tell him. You're definitly scared. He is intimidating you, and you find it oddly attractive.

SR: "can't do anything to you hm? The things i would do to you right now... you have no idea sweetheart."
He smirks. You are taken aback by his answer. You blush and look away.

Simon takes your face in his hand and makes you look up at him.

SR: "would you like to know, what im capable of, bunny?"

Your eyes widen and you blush harder. You definitely do want to know.

SR: "tell me the truth sweetheart."

You: "show me Simon Reiley. I wanna get to know you more.." you tell him, in a teasing and playfull tone.

Simon gets aroused by that. He suddenly feels his member getting hard.

You look down and gasp.

Simon laughs at your reaction.

SR: "you dont know what you just got yourself into."

Simon Ghost Riley As A BikerWhere stories live. Discover now