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"Eda, you really didn't have to get me anything," Raine said as they eyed the suspiciously wrapped package lying in their best friend's arms, "just a card would have been fine."

Eda rolled her eyes as she dropped the box into Raine's arms, "Yeah, but cards are so lame," she gestured to the gift, "besides, I think you'll really like this!"

"If it's from you I'm sure it'll be awesome," they remarked as they reached to pry some of the wrapping off, but paused.

"Um," they looked at her briefly, green eyes nervously meeting gold, "this won't explode in my face, will it?"

The young Clawthorne laughed as a disgruntled Owlbert flew out of her hair, insistently hooting at Raine as Eda recovered herself, "Owlbert said it won't explode, Rainestorm, and he helped me wrap it!"

"Well that explains some things," Raine thought as they examined the eccentric wrapping on the gift.

Eda delicately cupped her palisman in her hands and brought him to eye level, "Don't you trust his adorable owl face?" Of course, Owlbert had put on a very precious expression, and Raine found two pairs of golden eyes begging them to open the present.

They giggled, all hesitance melting away as they began to peel the paper off, "Ok, ok, you got me there," they tore all the wrapping away and opened the lid to the box, eyes widening as they realized the contents, "Eda you didn't..."

Eda grinned, kicking her legs excitedly as Owlbert flew to perch on their shoulder, "I totally did!" She exclaimed, "Do you like it?"

With the same gentleness that someone may handle a songbird, Raine lifted the small log out of the box, mouth falling in a soft 'o' as they nodded, "I love it, of course, but Eda how did you get this?"

She smiled, waving her hand dismissively, "My dad's got some connections in the palisman circle, I told him that Owlbert needed a friend!" She reached and stroked her palisman's head from his place on Raine's shoulder, "I, uh, also thought maybe they could help with your stage fright, like an emotional support palisman or something?" She looked at her friend, trying to gauge their reaction.

Raine's gaze softened as they traced their thumb over the grain in the wood, completely flattered by Eda's thoughtfulness and trying not to let a blush overcome their entire face.

"That means so much to me, Calamity," they smiled as they pulled her into an affectionate hug, "Thank you so, so much!"

Eda's blush was not disguisable as she returned her friend's hug.

"Got any ideas for what you want to carve?" She asked as they untangled themselves from the embrace, "As long as you don't carve someone that Owlbert might eat..." Eda sent a look to her palisman, who raised his wings in a faux shrug.

Raine chuckled, "Actually, I have a better idea," they thought to themself of a certain witch, one that they admired incredibly, but who also had a knack for getting into trouble and stealing people's hearts, "you're gonna help me do this, right?" They smiled at her hopefully as she brightened.

"Of course, Rainestorm," She gently took the log from where it lay between them and maneuvered it upright, simultaneously pulling a knife from her hair, "Let's get started."

See https://archiveofourown.org/works/53299150 for notes on this story...

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