Miraz was crowned king while his army marched outside.


When they arrived back at the How, Lucy came out to greet them and asked, "What happened?"

Peter glared at Caspian. "Ask him."

"Peter," Susan warned.

"Me?" Caspian scoffed. "You could have called it off. There was still time."

"No there wasn't, thanks to you," Peter shot back. "If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now."

"And, if you'd just stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!"

"You called us, remember?"

"My first mistake."

Peter pursed his lips. "No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people."

"Hey! I am not the one who abandoned Narnia."

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to it than Miraz does! You, him, your father... Narnia's better off without the lot of you!"

Caspian let out a shout and they each drew their swords.

"Stop it!" Edmund and Sam cried.

Glenstorm set down an injured Trumpkin. Lucy used her healing cordial to heal him and Trumpkin awoke. "What are you all standing around for? The Telmarines will be here soon enough."

Lucy smiled at Trumpkin as he turned to her. "Thank you, my dear little friend."

Caspian left and went to look at the carvings of the Pevensies and Sam at Aslan's How.

Nikabrik walked up and said, "Are you so glad of that magic horn now, boy? The kings and queens have failed us. Your army is half dead. And those that aren't will be soon enough."

"What do you want? Congratulations?" Caspian retorted.

"You want your uncle's blood. So do we. You want his throne. We can get it for you."

Nikabrik walked away. Caspian hesitated, then followed. They entered the Stone Table room.

Nikabrik continued. "You tried one ancient power. It failed. But there is power greater still. One that kept even Aslan at bay for near a hundred years."

They heard something. Caspian drew his sword and stepped forward. A cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows and started slowly walking towards Caspian.

"Who's there?" Caspian asked.

"I am hunger, I am thirst," the werewolf said. "I can fast a hundred years and not die. I can lie a hundred nights on the ice and not freeze. I can drink a river of blood and not burst. Show... me... your enemies." The werewolf threw off his hood and the hag approached.

"And you can guarantee Miraz's death?"

"And more," the hag replied.

Caspian put away his sword, and looked back at Nikabrik who nodded.

"Let the circle be drawn," the hag stated.

The hag began saying strange words. The werewolf drew a circle on the ground around Caspian. The hag pulled out the White Witch's wand and stuck it into the ground. Ice grew up, covering the image of Aslan. Trapped within the ice wall, the White Witch appeared.

"Wait... this isn't what I wanted!" Caspian cried.

"One drop of Adam's blood and you free me. Then I am yours, my king," the White Witch said.


The werewolf grabbed Caspian's hand and the hag cut it. The White Witch stuck her hand out of the ice and smiled. Caspian looked at the Witch, then seemed to stop resisting.

"Stop!" Peter and Ginny yelled.

Peter, Trumpkin, Edmund and Sam ran into the room and drew their swords and dagger. A werewolf crawled over the Stone Table and attacked. Trumpkin and Nikabrik started fighting. The hag knocked the sword out of Peter's hand. Edmund swung at the werewolf and it howled. Nikabrik stood over Trumpkin, and Lucy came up and put her dagger to Nikabrik's throat. Lucy placed her dagger against Nikabrik's throat. Her arm was twisted around and she screamed in pain. Sam ran to her side to see if she was okay. Peter stood and began fighting the hag. Edmund ran off, turned back, and hit the werewolf. Nikabrik looked between Sam and Lucy in hesitation and was stabbed in the back by Trumpkin. The White Witch kept reaching towards Caspian.

"Come on..." the Witch pleaded.

Peter pushed Caspian away and pointed his sword at the Witch. "Get away from him!"

She fell back slightly and smiled. "Peter dear... I have missed you. Come, just one drop."

The Witch reached towards him and said, "You know you can't do this alone."

Peter hesitated and lowered his sword a tad. She suddenly groaned, and the ice wall shattered revealing Edmund with his sword drawn. "I know. You had it sorted."

He walked away and Caspian and Peter looked at the carving of Aslan. They turned to see Susan who walked out.

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