First Meeting

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"Do you think they will like me?"

A scientist and a tall plush toy walked down the cushion halls of the Playhouse where the Smiling Critters resided. The small plush toy rubbed her hands nervously as the two approached the cells or "rooms" for the six Smiling Critters.

The scientist smiled reassuringly, looking up from their clipboard. "You have nothing to worry about, Hopesong. I'm sure they'll love seeing you."

That seemed to calm her worries if only a little bit. The scientists opened a door, and there stood five of the Smiling Critters, one of them staying inside their cell. The scientist cleared their throat to get the Critters' attention as they quickly paused their conversations to look at the scientist. "As you all know, you will be receiving a new member for your group. Now remember, she is younger than you six so you all must take very good care of her and show her around the Playcare so she can adjust to her new home and the children." The scientists opened the door a little more.

"Now, your new member is called.." The young pegasus hesitantly walked inside the room, giving a small wave."Hopesong Pegasus." Hopesong looked at the Smiling Critters who looked at her excitedly. "H-Hello-" "Holy moley! She's adorable!" The bunny exclaimed, hopping right in front of the smaller Pegasus."Hi! I'm Hoppy Hopscotch!" Another critter this time a chicken huffed."Hey, Hoppy! That's not fair! I wanted to introduce myself first!" A unicorn approached her next "Hi I'm Craftycorn. Do you like arts and crafts? We should draw!" A bear went beside her, looking at her wings in awe."Wow! Your wings are very pretty! Can I touch them!" An elephant stood at her other side."You're very small. You're smaller than us! I guess that makes you our youngest member!." They all wanted to introduce themselves it was overwhelming for the young pegasus.

"Guys! Give her some room she just got here! We will all have a chance to get to know her. " A dog pulled the small crowd away from Hopesong, giving her space. She felt like she could finally breathe as she looked up at the dog, who looked down at her. "Sorry about them their just excited to meet you. We've heard that we were getting a new member, and we couldn't wait to find out who it was, " the dog explained, and Hopesong relaxed. Smiling at him, "I-Its ok, I'm happy to finally meet you all. I've heard great things about you all." She said her wings twitching a bit from nervousness.

"Well, I'm Dogday. I'm the leader of the Smiling Critters, and we are very excited to show you around the Playcare!" The pegasus smiled more, but then realized that there were only seven members present."I'm sorry, but um.. Where's Catnap?" The Smiling Critters froze, and Dogday laughed though it was a bit forced "O-oh he wasn't feeling well, so for right now, he's in his room sleeping" Hopesong tilted her head but seemed to accept this answer "Alright, now let's show you around the Playcare!" Dogday explained, and the Smiling Critters took Hopesong to see the rest of the Playcare leaving behind the quiet feline as he watched them leave with a blank smiling face.


At the school, Ms. Delight introduced Hopesong to the children who were eager to meet their new friend. Once it was recess, the children asked her endless questions that Hopesong answered the best she could. Eventually, the children went inside for lunch, and Ms. Delight approached her.

"I must say Hopesong! You're very good with the children they learned a lot from you. " Ms. Delight said, and Hopesong bashfully looked away "Oh it was nothing. I like being around the kids they are so nice, so it was easy to answer their questions." Ms. Delight nodded, then hummed in thought, "Although, I did notice you didn't answer one question about where you came from? Is that a sore subject for you?" Ms. Delight asked.

Hopesong paused and hummed, "If I am being honest, I...I don't remember much about where I came from or how I was made just some blurry pieces of a bigger memory." She said, hugging herself she never thought about how she was made she just remembered waking up in a lab, and that was the end of it.

Ms. Delight wanted to say more before Dogday interrupted her, "Hey Hopesong! The Smiling Critters and I wanted to show you the store let's get going. we don't want to make the others wait, " he said, beckoning her over. "Coming! Sorry, Ms. Delight, I gotta run, but I'll talk to you later." Hopesong apologized before hurrying off Ms. Delight looked in her direction, giving a dark look before going back into the school


Hopesong yawned as the day finally ended. The children made their way into home sweet home, and the Smiling Critters went back into the Playhouse. As each of the Smiling Critters retired into their respected rooms, Hopesong couldn't help but ask, "Dogday? Where am I going to sleep?" She tilted her head, looking up at him as she held his hand.

"You'll be sleeping in my room. The scientists made a bed for you so you won't sleep on the floor." He said, gently patting her on the head. She gave a surprised look "A-are you sure Dogday? I don't want to intrude.." she looked away.

Dogday chuckled, "Nonesense, I'm happy to share my room with you. You've had a long day. You shouldn't worry about intruding when it's your space, too." His words soothed her, and she nodded, leaning into his arm. "Ok, thank you," she whispered, her eyes growing heavy.

However, when the lights turned off and she lay alone in her bed, she couldn't fall asleep. She tossed and turned, but no matter what, nothing lulled her to sleep. She looked over at Dogday, who slept soundly, and went over to him, shaking him gently. "Dogday?" She whispered.

Dogday lifted his head, the white dots in his sockets lighting up, and he turned to Hopesong. "Yes? Is something wrong?" He asked softly. Hopesong's ears drooped, looking at her hands "I..I can't sleep alone...I'm afraid that someone or something will take me away.." she sniffled, tearing up.

Dogday gently laid Hopesong beside him in his paw-shaped bed, pulling a blanket over her. "Don't worry, nothing will take you away as long as I'm here. I promise my little pegasus, " he said, and that put all of her worries to rest. She smiled and rested her head on her pillow. "Goodnight, Papa." She whispered before falling asleep.

Dogday was shocked at her calling him 'Papa.' he almost wanted to wake her up and see if she'll call him Papa again, but he didn't he was over the moon that she had called him her father and he wouldn't let her down. He would be the best father for her. "I promise... I'll keep you safe, my little pegasus," he vowed before falling asleep.

Catnap watched the two sleep, his eyes staring intently at Hopesong. She was innocent. The prototype said that the scientists had tortured her too, and he would make them all pay with their blood, but for now, he had to be patient. The prototype will save them all, and they will be free.

(A/N wow, I haven't written fanfiction this long in some time! Welp, here is the beginning of my story their will be some fluff and heartfelt moments before I destroy everyone's happiness, so soak it up while it lasts. I hope you all enjoyed the prolouge and you all have an awesome day!)

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