We'll be alright.

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I tried my best with this and I was really busy during these past few day. I hope it's okay!🫶🏻

Requested by pipravihasmyheart (I'll try to do the rest of the requests soon!)

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If Pip lived in "One last Time"

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Pip was missing for 20 hours now, Ravi couldn't stand it, he needed his Pip.

Swallowing deeply, Ravi stands and slowly makes his way to the door that he had found.

Careful as he pulls it open, the hinges creaking as he does and with the sun just rising it gives the room a faint glow, just enough for Ravi to see a pile covered with a tarp in the far corner of the room.

He carefully watches the movements in the room as a slight twitch was seen and heard from under the tarp.

"Pip?" He whispered, hoping it was his girl. More movement was heard in response. It sounded slow, painful and like it took so much energy.

"Pip?" He asked again, crouching down so he could pick up the corner of the tarp.

He gasped as he saw feet bound in duck tape, resting in pure red blood.

"No- no, no, no," he pulled it away, finding a girl with duck tape all over her face, her nose being the only thing not buried by tape.

He knew it was Pip by her hair, her brown shoulder length hair.

His hand found her cheeks, gently cradling them as he looked for signs of current life. A soft breath passed through her nose, 'a sign of life', he thought. He then looked for the end of the tape, immediately finding a piece that looked like it covered her eyes.

He gently ripped it off to be met with soft hooded eyes, nearly closed.

"Oh, Pip..." he whispered to himself, almost crying at the scene in front of him.

His girlfriend, tied up, blood and cuts up her arms. He looked down, his eyes catch her stomach. It was bloodied and stabbed, he could almost see the inside of her flesh.

He wished he could've protected her. She mush have been in so much pain, emotional and physical pain.

He snapped his trace back to her face, he needed to see if she had anymore marks.

Ravi began gently peeling the tape off, trying to make it as soft as possible.

As soon as he finished he moved down, breaking the tape off her hands and legs.

Pips skin was red and raw. Ravi tried not to pull to hard but it still yanked at her skin. How long was she tied up for?

A gentle hum pulled him out of his thoughts, Pips eyes had open more. He could see her blue eyes, clouded with fear and tears.

"Pip- oh, Sarge.." he mumbled, gently cradling her cheeks once again.

"It's okay... I'm here.." one of Ravi's hands move down, pulling her fragile body onto his lap.

Pip was fading in and out of consciousness. She was dizzy and the world was spinning. She wanted all the pain to disappear, to absorb into nothing.

She wanted to die.

Ravi wasn't focused on the footsteps he heard coming from the door, he didn't care about it at all. He just wanted his Sarge to be okay.

"I- Ravi..." she whispered, breath being rattled with the amount of times her lungs got punctured.

"Shh- just stay quiet, Love." Ravi held her head towards his chest as he began to listen to Cara behind him,

"I don't know... over 10? 15?" Cara said into the phone she was holding in her shaking hand.

Ravi felt his own cheeks get wet, wet with his own tears.

He looked down, remembering the girl he always looked up to, he had watched her destroy herself and rebuild it all back up.

He knew it would all fall down again.

What if this made her worse once the ambulance gets here? What if she started doing all of her bad little habits that they fought so hard to get her out of.

How long will they spend in her bedroom together?

How long would Pip be sobbing in Ravis arms for after this?

He wasn't prepared for anything after this.

He couldn't lose his Pip again.

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I love y'all<3

PipRavi one shots Where stories live. Discover now