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A PILLOW WAS THROWN  at Lahar when she entered her brother's room. It was early, really early in the morning, and let's just say that Calbert was not a morning person. Lahar was the opposite. She could get five minutes of sleep and still be the most energetic person around. Cal, on the other hand, needed atleast eight hours of sleep. Even then, he'd most likely be walking around with bags under his eyes all day.

"Rise and shine, dear brother!" Lahar smiled. 

"Go away, Lahar." Cal mumbled, his face hidden away in the pillow he hadn't thrown at his sister. 

She didn't listen to his demand, instead she placed her hands on his shoulders, shaking him violently. "Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up-"

"Oh, my God, shut up!" He lazily swatted his hand around, trying to shoo her away. Cal groaned as he slowly, but surely, sat up on the bed. "See, I'm awake. Now get out of my room." He let out a small yawn.

Lahar sat down at the end of his bed, rolling her eyes in the process. "I forgot how grumpy you get when you're tired."

"Fuck you." He muttered out, head leaning against the headboard of the bed as he shut his eyes tightly. "I'm not tired."

"Hangry, then?"

"I'm not hangry!" Cal protested.

"So, you're tired." Lahar claimed once again, poking him in the side, which earned her a slap on the hand, though his eyes stayed shut. "Or maybe both."

"Do you have to be so obnoxious?"The boy opened an eye, glancing at his clock before letting out a sigh. "It's too early for this."

"It's Reaping day." Lahar shot back, shaking her head with a disapproving look. 


"So, it's time for our yearly sibling bonding time."

Yearly sibling bonding time, as she called it, took place on Reaping day, obviously.  Lahar and Cal would wake up at 4 am, which was way too early for his liking, and would spend the morning gambling with their friends. Calbert didn't even like gambling that much, claiming how stupid and irresponsible it was, yet he agreed on doing it every year.

However, they didn't spend their entire morning gambling, only a few hours. The remaining time they had left was spend with their family. Playing board games, making breakfast together, taking care of the animals or simply just talking was how they spend their possible last moments together. 

"Can't we just skip it this year?" 

"No." Lahar poked him again. "Quit being lazy."

Cal swatted her hand away. "I'm not being lazy. I'm just saying, we can always spend time together later. You know, maybe when it isn't pitch black outside."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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