Prologue : Heer

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“ Politician Ravi Vardan Kularni’s Daughter Heer Kulkarni spotted at International airport”

“Heer Kulkarni back to India after 20 years?”

“ Ravi Vardan’s daughter Heer Kulkarni back to India after 20 years abroad post attack”

“Heer Kulkarni back to India nearing the state elections. Is she taking over her father's party?”

“Heer Kulkarni in India after a long time”

I back off and shut my phone and drop in my bag, silencing it.

“Ah, Manege nan barth idini, excitement evrige agtide.” I sighed looking out of the window.


I’m finally here and never going back to Mauritius again. Never.

I heard my phone ringing, it has to be dad or mom.

I simply silence it. If they have waited for 20 years, they can wait a few minutes more too.

After almost an hour's drive, we finally reached the Kulkarni mansion.

Leaving all my belongings behind, totally unbothered, I ran to my father whose tense face calmed down as soon as he saw me.

I threw my hands around him and reciprocated. Caressing my back, he placed a kiss on my head before asking me,

“Alla Amma, nin namna nodbeku ant and math helidre nave allige barthidvi, ad bitti rathri rathri hege oru bit bandre nav ain anko beku helu?”

(Dear, If you just said that you wanted to see us we would have come there only, what should we think if you run away from the city overnight instead?)

“Papa, this is too much! I can't live my whole life outside the country. I’m not going anywhere now, I’m gonna stay here till my last breath” I declare and push him aside when I saw my mother at the door.

“Ammaaaaaa” I ran to her with arms wide up only to get whacked by her with the chapati rolling pin.

“Ay aine bandide ning dodroga? Yargu ainu helde hege barodu? Est tension kotidya gotha? Aine andkodidya nin nina?”

(Ay, what great disease did you get ah? Is this how you come without informing anyone? You know how much tension you gave us? Who do you think you are?)

“Your daughter” I dodged her hit and tried to hug with a smile.

“C’mon maa, your daughter is back to India after 20 years,” I nudged her. “Only to get hit at the door itself?” I ask her with a frown to get slightly slapped.

“You know how worried we were?” She hits my shoulder again before breaking down into tears in my arms.

I stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling back. “Now, do I get to enter or should I book a hotel?” I ask her.

“What kind words are those?”

“Spandana, you go get the aarti, she’s coming home after so many years.” Papa says, putting his hand around my shoulder.

Amma performed the aarthi and welcomed me in, I settled on the sofa beside papa, placing my head on his chest and soon amma came and sat beside me.

“So, what's going on with your life?” Amma asked me to caress my hair.

“Hm, since I have completed my graduation and got my license, I want to work as a detective in India and open my own newspaper company here.” I say and notice the smile on her face fading away.

“Bacha, being a detective, owning your own company, everything is good. We’ll never oppose you for that but,” I straighten myself as he pauses.


“But here in India? It's not safe. You should go back.”

“Papa seriously? It's been two decades since I left this land and when I’m back instead of pampering me, this is what guys say?”

I couldn't believe his words. Which father would say such words to his daughter?

“Heer, that's not the thing dear, We really love and care for you. You really think it was easy for us to leave in another country and live here peacefully” Amma says, taking papa’s side.

“Then why are you asking me to go back” My voice raised

“It's for your safety. Staying here is a threat to your life.” I push the palm that cupped my cheek away and stand up.

“I am not going anywhere. I’ll be here only and start my own company. That's final.” I started to walk upstairs when I heard my dad say stop.

“Get married.” I turned around at his words, shocked.

“Ravi, what are you saying? Amma asks.

“Papa, you're kidding right?” I say.

He stands up and walks to me.

“I’ll let you do anything you want but for that, get married to the man of my choice or else go back to your uncle's. The choice is yours.”

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