Chapter 1

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It has been a few years since ragnarok, humanities has been given a chance to live for thousands of years. A lot of happened this past few years, as agreement the fighters for humanities was given a place to stay at Valhalla, the once holy place has been turned into something humans are familiar with, the once holy place of Valhalla has turned into a human looking place, where vendors are seen anywhere, clothing store, candy shop, restaurant, and many more. It is the responsible of the humans staying at Valhalla.

After ragnarok, gods began noticing this fighters more closely, some were in awe, some still hated them, some idolized them, some just couldn't take their eyes of them.

The fighters agree to be in a one big family, it consist of eight boys, five girls, parents and one red hare. The boys agreed to protect their new sisters, even though this girls can protect themselves and kill anyone who mistreat their family/friends.

The girls in the family have been in a relationship with non other than the gods, in the beginning the humans didn't trust the gods or more like they were wary of them, some cause misunderstanding, some denied their feelings and some ran away, but even though it was hard at first, the gods finally court them, they were able to clear the misunderstanding and strengthen their relationship.

Deep in the sea, there comes a place where humans thought to be a legend, a city where it was lost and never to be seen, The Lost City of Atlantis.

This city is ruled by the fearsome god, one of the Twelve Olympians in ancient greek, Poseidon.

Poseidon is a fearsome, haughty, and cold-hearted individual, were gods feared him. A merciless god, who didn't give second chance to those he see unworthy. Everyone fear him, not a single one has gotten away with Poseidon....except for one person

Years ago, Poseidon is the God's representative in the third round in Ragnarok, going against humanities representative, Sasaki Kojiro. Poseidon despite humans to the core and wants them vanish from existence. Poseidon loses the third round to a mere human, a mere human girl. Poseidon couldn't accept defeat, so when he resurrected, he didn't feel happy nor relief, instead he felt rage and humiliation. Poseidon seeks for Sasaki and decided to kill her, to erase her very existence. But when he was about to do it, something stops him, he couldn't kill her, he can't kill her. So to know what he is feeling he decided to watch her for now. But as days goes by, he watches her from afar, to staying close to her, to speaking to her and finally to getting close to her. As Poseidon gets to know her more, his hatred towards her turned into something much more than that.

[Present Day]

"It is an honor to be at your presence today, my lord. We wish to apologize and thank you for coming here even though you are busy."

A Merman greeted Poseidon with such grace, kneeling to show respect to the Lord of the Seas.

But Poseidon didn't answer the merman's calls, he sat on his throne, cheeks on his fist and didn't bother looking at the merman with his signature look.

The merman awkwardly kneels, as he waits for Poseidon to order him to rise up. But as minutes past, neither one of them talks, a cold dead silence is all you can hear on the throne room.

Proteus, Poseidon's loyal butler stands at the end of the throne, looking unbothered by the silence as he already expected it.

The merman couldn't take it anymore and decided to speak.

"My lord, i have come here to discuss with you about related to the...rulers of the seas."

Poseidon still didn't make a move as the merman continues to talk.

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