Chapter 2

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Minutes passed, Poseidon is seen sitting at the end of the dining table, waiting for his wife to come.

The door opened, Sasaki enters the room looking cleaner than before. She wears a long blue kimono with her signature red scarf, her long dark hair is tide up in a high ponytail, Sasaki hates wearing revealing clothes that gods like to wear and ask or request Poseidon to change all her clothes to a Japanese clothing.

Sasaki enters the room with a smile on her face as she thanks the maid for opening the door, the maid smiles at her and bows at her. Sasaki spots Poseidon already at his sit.

"Thank you for waiting, Po!"

Sasaki smiles at Poseidon and taken a sit besides him.


Poseidon looks at her from up to down, silently admiring her beauty. Sasaki oblivious of what Poseidon is doing, started talking.

"How was your meeting today, Po? Did it go well?"

Sasaki ask Poseidon about what happened earlier.

" did."

"Oh my, are you sure? Cause you have this cold aura in you earlier. Care to tell me?"

Sasaki ask in a concerned tone, as the maids and butler entered with a cart of foods.

"It is nothing, just some lowlife yapping."

Sasaki stares at Poseidon for a few seconds, she turns her attention to the food in front of her.

"Hmm, is that so. Then I'll believe you, if it's nothing then it's nothing."

Sasaki reach for the chopsticks and started eating her food.

"Hmm~, no matter how many times i eat this it never fail to impress me. I really love your cooking, Proteus-dono."

"It is an honor, my lady"

Proteus bows at sasaki, Proteus was first hated her and was wary of her when Poseidon let her enter the kingdom. He couldn't accept her, the human who killed his master to be in tye palace. But as days goes by, he began growing fond of her, her bubbly personality and sunshine like smile, melt his once cold heart. When he heard that Sasaki will be the queen of the seas, he was overjoyed and told her that he will be his self-proclaimed Godfather to her. Sasaki who saw how excited he was, couldn't reject his offer and became his Goddaughter.

Sasaki smiles at Proteus answer, she turned his attention to Poseidon as she speaks.

"Po, are you free this saturday?"

Poseidon halt his hands from taken a bite and turned his attention to her.


"Qin, Jane and I wanted to have a tea party at Valhalla, we decided to invite everyone. It has been a long time since we've last seen each other, so why don't we have a get together? What do you think?"

Sasaki asks Poseidon, her expression is full of hope, her eyes sparkles at the plan, waiting for Poseidon's answer.

Poseidon stares at her, her expression is something he couldn't reject. Everyone doesn't know it, but Poseidon loves everything his wife do.

"...why not?"

Sasaki's eyes widen and her once closed smile, opened with such excitement.

"Yey! Thank you, dear! I couldn't wait to see everyone! It's been a long time since i last visited them!"

Sasaki keeps on rambling about how she misses her sisters and brothers, how she wants to see her parents and etc. Poseidon looks at her with his emotionless looks but his eyes tell different, he looks at her with such adorness and loving look. Proteus seeing his master face couldn't help but sigh, he too was not showing any expression but inside he is happy to see his ladies face.

Meanwhile at the other side.

There is a place where sinners and demons residence, a place where no living being can get out nor get in. A place where souls and other unearthly beings stay. This place is one of the three main place that gods residence, Helheim.

Helheim is a place where no life can be seen, humans called this place a Netherworld or Hell. This world is ruled by one of the most respected and powerful god, Hades.

Ruler of the underworld, The God whom the Gods most rely on the most, The eldest brother of Poseidon and Zeus.

Helheim is guarded by a merciful, dangerous, creature of Helheim. Cerberus, he was the offspring of the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and was usually described as having three heads, a serpent for a tail, and snakes protruding from multiple parts of his body. Cerberus is primarily known for his capture by Heracles, the last of Heracles' twelve labours.

Helheim is a place which people describe as dark, dangerous, cold, lonely place, but it all changes when a human ruled helheim, a human who declared to be a ruler of the said place. After that, the usual dark, dangerous, cold, lonely place has been transformed into a place where people or gods called paradise. Helheim become a place for people to visit and to stay. Anyone who residence of the said place well give you a positive comments, all because of the arrogant yet kind human.

Of course, not everyone agree to it, the demons who live in helheim marched into Hades castle and demand an explanation. Hades the ever patient god, explain to them about having a new queen to rule helheim at his side. The demons got furious and insult the new queen of the underworld, Hades frown at their tantrums and told them to leave. The demons didn't listen and order Hades to hand over the human. Hades having enough got furious and threaten them that if they don't leave, they well meet their end.

The demons was about to strike when they heard a shoe clicking towards them, the sound got nearer and nearer, until the two heave doors was opened. Up the stairs, they could see someone approaching, a woman, with a slim body, pale white skin, long curly dark hair that reaches her waist and a blood red color at the side of her hair, in her face their lies a red centipede tatoo in her cheeks, the woman was wearing a traditional Chinese outfit called Cheongsam, but her shoulder were exposed, wearing a dark tank top, she was wearing all kinds of jewelry, a silver necklace with a purple diamond in the middle, a pair of jade earrings(a chinese style earrings called er dang), and a silver ring on her left hand. Her outfit make people look at her but the one that has most attention is her wearing a blindfold. She walks with pride and honor, showing everyone that she wasn't afraid of anything.

"Hao! What's with ruckus all about?"

The woman asked, stopping at the top of the stairs. Hades looks at his beloved wife and relaxes his body.

"It is nothing for you to worry about, my love. Sorry for the ruckus, why don't you go inside? I'll handle this"

Hades reassured his wife, making sure no further damage will be made.

"I don't know dear, your visitors tell otherwise."

Hades looks behind him and saw the demons looking at Qin Shi Huang with such different emotions, some with awe, some with lust but most of all hatred. They are looking at Qin Shi Huang with such a hatred look. Qin Shi Huang looks at the demons and couldn't help but smirks.

"Hmm, you are looking at me with such emotions, are you perhaps here to start a fight? If it is, then why don't we start?"

Qin Shi Huang smirks at them, her fist  colliding at each other as she walks towards the demons.

Hades saw his wife's excited voice and couldn't help but sigh, already knowing what will happened. He brings back his bident to the shadows and step back.

"Please don't damage more property like last time, my love. It would take weeks fixing them"

"HAHAHAHAHA! worry not, my dear! I'll make this demons regret coming here, they disturb my time with my husband, i could not tolerate it"

Hades sighs and let his wife do her thing.

"Now then, wanna see what hell really looks like?"

"This bitch is getting cocky, fucking get her!"

The castle was full of screaming and things breaking, the residence already knowing what is happening inside, decided to ignore it and do what they always do.

Because this is a normal day in helheim.

How is it? Please tell me your opinion!! I want to know!! Please

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