Chapter 3(Part1)

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In the deepest part of the castle in Helheim, there is a giant metalic door at the far corner of the basement, this door is so big it comes with a lot of locks, from eye scan to fingerprint password to pass code, others may think that there's something dangerous living inside the room, a being that so dangerous it needed a heavy locks to get in too.

But what they don't know is that this giant metalic door is actually a laboratory where experimented creatures live, yet it is also filled with scientific tools, chemicals, inventions, etc. This heavily guarded door isn't use to trap creatures, no it is simply a protection to the outside.

This is where two living being do their research, the metalic door was use as a protection so no dangerous stuff can get out, like explosions or weird failed machine that can injure someone.

The vibrations of Ying Zheng's fight is heard even in the basement, the ceiling and walls were vibrating, yet, even though the castle is close to collapsing, a figure could be seen walking down the hall of the basement. It wore a black priest like clothes, with a cane skeleton in his right arm. This man has a dark curly hair, deep dark eyes and a pale white skin, people will mistook him as a ghost or a walking dead, under his eyes is a thick eyebags letting people know that he hasn't sleep for days.

The man wasn't really bothered about the noise as he keep walking towards the giant metalic door, as he arrived he proceed to unlock the door. He started with scaning his eyes, putting his thumb at the fingerprint scanner and lastly opening the door with a password. The door opened, he walks in the door and started walking through the halls, around the halls there is a lot of wires connection one another.

The man arrived at the room, inside was filled with different things, a beakers was seen on the right side of the room, filled with different kind of chemical, next to it has a lot of different creatures trapped inside a container, on the left side papers and books was shattered all around the area, and on the walls there you can see a massive blackboard filled with equations and quantum physics and other types of mathematical equations.

But, the man didn't care any of this as his attention is only on someone inside the laboratory, the person was muttering something while solving an equation, the person didn't notice someone coming in, too busy solving its theory.

The priest like man didn't approach the person, he stayed there for a few minutes, waiting for the person to finish speaking.

".....if this part isn't included my theory could shatter, if my equations are correct it could work, but there's a part that's missing....."

The person murmured. The man who is still at the entrance watch her for a few seconds before speaking.

"You seems troubled, Nicole."

The man called out to her, the woman, Nicole, stopped her murmuring as she turns around and face the man. She was quiet for a second before her expression brightens.


Nicole let go the chalk and dash off to the man.

"Beel!!! I'm so glad your back!!! It was so boring that you weren't here, it was so quiet!!! I couldn't sleep properly because an idea suddenly struck into my mind and i couldn't hold it anymore and started making it!!..."

As Nicole keep rambling, Beel or Beelzebub watch her with amusement, he likes hearing her voice as she speaks about science and how her face brighten every time.

But as much as Beelzebub likes to keep listening, he needed to stop her before she forgot to breath.

"I'm back, Nicole"

Nicole stopped her rambling and stare at Beelzebub for a few second before answering.

"Welcome back, Beel!!"

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