part 7

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"So , what would you like to eat on breakfast? Anything you like or crave for eating now ?" He asked but all got a silent response

He sighed and looked at her who was again zoon out in her own thoughts , he thought to give her sometime to recover there is many more things that he need to know about her and for that he need to be patient with her and give her time to open up , they drove towards an expensive restaurant where zaid is the regular customer as their services are best , the side door of Rimsa's side opened making her come out of her thoughts " here come out carefully as you've not eaten anything from morning and also have given blood test " he said forwarding his hand which was wrapped around his handkerchief , he helped her getting out from the car Rimsa was quite surprised by the restaurant as she had never been to an expensive restaurant because for her wasting money on these luxurious is totally worthless and she prefer homemade food than outside restaurant or street foods " zaid , can we please go home I'm not feeling good and it's too expensive " she said hesitantly as he shook his head they both were still standing near the car " you're not feeling well because you've not eaten anything from morning And about this expensive restaurant , I'm not going to risk your health because of some other unhygienic foods from any other place , don't worry this is the most hygienic restaurant and the bill is due on me , come on" saying this he gently dragged her towards the restaurant , they both ordered their food mainly zaid was the one who ordered their food as Rimsa was hesitating to even look at the menu saying that " you're regular here and know that what is the best dish , so you order" as their food was served zaid took his food's first morsel of bite Forwarding towards rimsa's mouth " say Bismillah wa ala Barkatillah ( iam eating in the name of Allah (SWT) and with the blessings of Allah) " he asked her as if feeding a toddler anyway she said and ate while looking at him with love in her eyes until she realised that he's still a na- mehram for her and avoid looking at him , like always she's a slow eater and again before finishing his food zaid made Rimsa eat his last morsel of food . They both were trying to stay away from meeting eachother as much as they can but the situation made them meet eachother , while going back they took her reports which was not that ok as for zaid who was dissapointed on Rimsa for not taking care of her health as he bursted out on her " what is this Rimsa?!!! Why are you not taking care of your health?? Your hemoglobin level is low and there can chances of cyst in your ovary as shown in your ultrasound report !!! I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU'RE SO CARELESS AbOUT Your HEALTH!! " He took a deep breath to calm down himself as he didn't failed to notice the way she flinched as he shouted at her knowing that he again messed up , she was standing still lowering her head tears gathering in her eyes , they were standing near his car as he offered her to drop her off at  her home but she denied saying " it's ok I can drive , I'm not careless while driving , thank you for taking my burden and next time I'll not let you worry about me health" and she went to her car not even glancing at him , at this moment all he wanted was to hit his head on the wall or slap himself for being stupid and not handling the situation calmly , they both were upset , zaid was regretting his actions and was looking for a plan to make it up with her and on the other side Rimsa was boiling in anger , this was the second time she get dominated by a Male , yes her past was filled with her father's abusive behaviour towards her .

Rimsa pov-
I'm feeling like a worthless women like how can't I take stand for myself? Is it my love that makes me weak? It's like the past is repeating itself Just like my father used to shout at me , even for a bit of mistake , one day he even beat mom with a wooden ruler while my mother's brother were present in the house it was so much for a 13 year old girl to witness their parents fight , he used to threaten my in the name of cutting off my studies and expenses if I'll not do his work while I was only 12 years old and many more that I can't even tell and today how zaid shouted at me reminded of me my father , there are good memories with my father too but they're dissolved in those bad memories , from that day I always tried to not to get manhandled by anyone and if someone tries to I immediately take action against them , now this Rimsa is not like the old days , now she knows how to fight for her rights and this love is making me weak I don't know how will our marriage life would be the best option is to pray namaz it's the only solution , I just hope that he doesn't behave just like me father I'm afraid of being in love AGAIN , as it always snatches something close to your heart .

End of Rimsa pov-

She fell into sajdah ( prostrating position) crying her heart out telling her miseries to Allah that how much her heart hurts remembering her past , she wants him to remove her horrible past from her memories
Think how much hurt a daughter would be to ask Allah to take her away from this world because of her father she was on a point of life where suicide was the last option for her but she stayed because she fear Allah and she had faith in Allah's decision for her and she became independent after her father passed away ......

precap of coming chapter~

" Rimsa we've fixed your marriage date which is next month as zaid have to go back to Delhi , he can't stay here any longer "

" I can't do this .... It's hard for me , please try to understand ..." She said trembling .....

Assalamualaikum , here is your bonus update 😅 please don't forget to vote and comment your response , happy reading 🤗

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