part 9

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She was so immersed in looking at him with emotions filled eyes but he knew that it would be better to talk in private about the things that he wanted to clear up with her than to talk with her infront of everyone , " say Bismillah " he asked her softly with his one hand holding hers under the table and other was feeding her as she ate quietly without looking at him for now like this he also fed her his last morsel of food too. After having lunch they all got assemble near the main gate for rukhsati ( sending off) the bride and groom with their elders , rimsa's mother asked zaid " beta (child) now my elder daughter that is your wife is your responsibility take care of her and yourself, she have never felt what a father's love is after her father passed away she is the one who took all the responsibility of her father on herself she never complained about this she is self independent and sometimes stubborn too but have soft place for her loved ones , she seems cold infront of others but I only know how much she's suffering and bearing upon people's taunts , she's short tempered but only can listen when you speak with her softly , her father never spoke with her in a soft way but I did and now she's dependent on you for sharing emotional feelings and love , please take care of her , she maybe sometimes give you a hard time but trust me she'll be good after some days , my blessings are with both of you cherish Every moment of your life " she patted his shoulder softly as he smiled assuringly at her " ammi ( mother) you don't have to worry about her from now onwards I'm like your son only I'll take care of her and provide her all the love that she deserved , we will take our leave now as tomorrow morning we've flight for delhi , I'm really sorry for this rush but there are few responsibilities in hospital that I've to take care of and don't burden yourself too much if there is any need I'm just a call away take care of yourself and muskan's too ( rimsa's younger sister) " he bent down by her side as she patted his head giving blessings on the other side Rimsa was trying hard not to show any emotions but seeing her mother crying and zaid comforting her made her tears rolled down her cheeks , they drove away from the venue towards zaid's parents house where they would be staying for the night , Rimsa was quite all the time looking out of the window in deep thoughts while zaid was driving and glancing at her from time to time , she didn't cried and it was making him worried for her Because bottling up feelings will lead to depression and anxiety he softly held her hand which was resting on her lap making her flinch by the contact but instantly she relaxed after realising that she's not alone but which her 'HUSBAND' , " Rimsa , do you want to have something? Since you've not eaten or drank water frequently then let's stop nearby cafe and have something?? Hmm?" He asked softly rubbing imaginary circles on her hand as she remembered her mother's words *flashback* " Rimsa , remember that whatever the reason would be for your anger just don't snap out on your in laws or any of zaid's family members they're now your own family so respect them and whatever they say just keep quiet if they offend you and you can confront your husband if you can't take it ok? And you've to compromise sometimes to workout your marriage same goes for zaid , I know he's a great listener and a very patient one so don't give him a hard time and always try to solve your arguments before going to bed cause what if one you didn't get up the next morning ? Allah not wills that but I'm advicing you "
*End of flashback* remembering this she wishpered a small yes making zaid squeeze her hand that he was holding giving her a nod while zaid's family were already arrived at their house for preparation for welcoming the bride and groom . It was weired for Rimsa especially in her wedding attire to go in a cafe and eat there but nonetheless she doesn't care about what other people think of them as it was normal for Rimsa getting those stares on her as she being an IAS officer she got used to it and for zaid he ignored them as much as he could , they stopped near a small yet cozy cafe looking aesthetic as ever that matches with rimsa's liking And she smiled looking around that there were very few people present there as the cafe was quite away from the city zaid has been a gentleman from the start helping her coming out from his mercedes benz asking her if she's okay going in this cafe as she nodded , no words were exchanged as they walked inside taking a seat by the window with zaid helping her with her gown that was stuck on the table " you sit here I'll bring the menu from the counter " saying he walked a few meters away from their table as there were very few workers and it looked like more people would be coming as it's 6 in evening , zaid came back forwarding the menu towards Rimsa making her shook her head " actually you order I'll just take a cup of coffee " zaid being stubborn ordered 2 veg sandwiches with a cup of coffee for Rimsa and himself . " I wanted to talk with you about something , if you're comfortable enough ? " He started the conversation making her nod her by the time a worker came with coffee and was going to fall accidentally infront of Rimsa but zaid practically pushed the waiter's hand in other direction making the hot coffee fall in his hands all he did was inorder to save Rimsa from being burnt , while the waiter was continuously apologizing for his mistake as zaid just waved him off saying it's alright but Rimsa was panicking after seeing zaid's red burnt hands " where is the washroom? And please bring an ointment fast !" Asked Rimsa and they were escorted to the washroom with Rimsa holding zaid's arm dragging him towards the washroom who was admiring her the whole time " Allah zaid!!! Why did you do that now look your hand is burnt !! , First let's wash your hands then I'll apply ointment " saying she got engaged in taking care of his hand while he chuckled at her antics as if she's the doctor and he's her patient " well, I won't mind being your patient mrs sayed zaid ali" saying he kissed her forehead lovingly till now she was a tomato making zaid squeeze her cheeks making her smile at him " let's go and have our food or else it'll be cold , come " saying this she again dragged him with her where towards the table where they were sitting before and started feeding zaid but he denied saying that he can eat himself but she being amanded didn't let him even drink water by himself , he was observing her ever action which were reminding him of his mother when he was studying in London and whenever he came to his home she would feed him with her own hands like a toddler and now he was feeling the same and Rimsa's action was giving him some motherly vibes , while feeding him in between she also ate her sandwich . After finishing their plate they again bicker with eachother over paying the bill but zaid being stubborn he used his tricks by emotional blackmailing Rimsa that he would pay the bill and at last he payed and they both went towards their car " if you don't mind can I drive your car? As your hand needs time to heal " Rimsa hesitantly asked him as she knows that some people are too much possessive over their cars / vehicles , " why are you asking sweetheart , I'm your husband and my things are yours too so don't ever hesitate alright?" He cupped her cheeks with his left hand which was not that much affected by the hot coffee as she nodded looking down , as they reached his house they were welcomed warmly by his family and after having dinner everyone went to their respective rooms till now Rimsa had already changed her dress and was wearing a simple PJ's and was trying to open the pins on her hair which were stuck in her hair , a big yet warm hand replaced hers making her look in the mirror , zaid had already Changed his suit into a black t-shirt and grey track pants , his hands are healed preety much as it was not that severe their eyes were locked with eachother making Rimsa tense in her place as zaid sensed that he softly rubbed her shoulder with his one hand and other was busy in taking the hair pins out from her hair that made her feel relaxed as he let her hairs down till her hips , he started combing her hair and braid them in a lose plates " thank you" she mumbled as he kissed her crown of her head in response , holding her shoulders from both the sides guiding her to the bed making her sit as he sat in front of her , she was confused by his actions but obeyed him " sweetheart , do you want to share something ?" He softly held her hand in his big ones tracing imaginary circles on her hands which were indeed making her tensed frame relax a bit " umm what to share?, I'm sorry I didn't get it" she was really confused by now " about how you feel? I'm really sorry ,I'm such a jerk to behave like that with you that time but you know I'll never judge you on the basis of your feelings and past related to your father , hmm? " By now she totally understood what he was trying to say " i-i already forgave you and please I don't wanna discuss about my father and please don't remind me of him !" She mentioned looking away from him but he was stubborn just like her " do you trust me? I'm still sorry for lashing out on you but you yourself know that bottling up feelings is not good for your health but you still do this and please don't get angry on your mother , it was me who have asked her about your father " by now she was red trying her best to not to cry infront of him " it's n-not li-like tha-" he cuttoff her " no please don't suppress your feelings at least not infront of me !! Please I'm here for you ik that I can't take place of your father but I'll try my best to give you love that you deserve , try to open up for your health at least or else you'll fall into depression , my love ik you didn't deserve that treatment from your father but you can't hate all the men around you , all men are not like you think " he was trying his best to comfort her and make her feel safe and open up to him so that he can help her to heal her mental health " d-did you read my diary?" As he nodded " what would I've done ? Huh? I was noticing your behaviour from the beginning and consulted one of my colleague who is a psychologist and she told me that to look into your behaviour more closely so I requested your sister to tell me what you do in free time so she told me that you write journal and I asked her to give me your diary , please darling all I did was for your own well being I wanted to help you overcome through this " she was sobbing violently in his arms , " what was my mistake zeb ? I tried my best to become a good daughter but he humiliated me by my one mistake he would threatened me to stop my studies and expenses , he would used to beat me even in my teenage days over one small mistake he would shout at me like I'm his slave and you know what he said to my mother ? He said that in future I'll make her cry till blood spills out from her eyes and she should never trust me , am I that worthless ? " She was on his lap wetting his t shirt with him just listening to her silently as he was alos on the verge of crying but held himself back inorder to comfort her " it's ok , it's all over now you're the most successful in your family and yk your mother said that she's so proud of you and she was regretting that she couldn't do anything to save you from your father hmm ? Forgive them , they're your parents and he's your father no matter what he's the door of Jannah for you ik you respected him but now he's no more in this world so all you can do is to pray for his magfirat ( forgiveness) indeed Allah knows best and he'll handle all your affairs so let him handle this now don't think about bad memories it's all over , just pray for our happiness and forgiveness from our sins and I'll love you till my last breath I'm not going to let anyone hurt you I guarantee that " he pecked her making her kiss him back passionately after they pulled back she hide her face in his chest blushing deeply " ahh princess you're making it hard for me to control myself , now let's sleep we've flight tomorrow morning right ? " He kissed her forehead lovingly as she nodded " I'm sorry for my behavior , I just trying to behave mature but every time I failed to do that infront of my loved ones " as he shook his head " don't be sorry you've all rights to behave childish infront of me and I'll make sure to spoil you my baby! " Saying he laid down with her on top of him who was a blushing mess now " Alhamdulillah , our wishes come true and we're so thankful to Allah for making you my wife , I may not be that much expressive but remember that you're my  priority and you matter to me whether it is your health or safety I can be sometimes strict but all I do is for your own good so don't ever think that I don't love you " he was staring at her with his brown orbs as she nodded sniffing a little " I understand that zeb and I'll try to obey my strict doctor and I love you too , but please don't ever doubt on me " she was insecure and he was sure about that " hey , ik we have 11 years of age gap but that doesn't mean that our marriage will not workout , in relationship there are ups and downs but if we have trust and faith in Allah then we can solve it out hmm , now try to understand me , I want you to take councelling from one of my colleague , your mental health is important darling and I can't see you suffering so please for me , it pains me when you cry and I can't stand that , just for me  , me tumhein aur rota nhi dekh sakta , tumhein mera zara bhi khayal nhi? ( I can't see you crying , don't you care about me?)  " as she was frozen in her place ,  he was rubbing her back softly
As she --------

Author's note-

Assalamualaikum , ik that this part is too long , it's because as I've exams so I'll be posting after my exams get over but I'll try to post in between if I get time so please forgive me if there is any mistake and please vote and comment 🥺 , I'm leaving this on cliff hanger enjoy!!😁

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