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"NO! i'm NOT going to let you get yourself kidnapped or killed again!"

i stood in front of killua, who was guarding the door and pushing his back against it like an angry cat. in normal circumstances, i'd comment on how sweet he was for worrying about me, but this time i couldn't play along. i had to get to chrollo before it was too late. we had agreed to meet up in the same alleyway he dragged me off to and that was where i was headed until killua stopped me. i could tell that he was against the idea the entire time as i filled a couple containers with blood or reassured alluka that everything was fine. (i of course didn't do it in front of them, but the white haired boy wouldn't leave me alone for even a second.) however, i never expected that he would actually try to physically stop me. i was practically ready to leave and meet up with the black haired man.

i sighed, shaking my head. " killua, i have to go before it's too late. i don't want to risk you and your sister's safety. please understand, okay?" i reached my hand out to him but stopped when he flinched away from it and glared at me.

"i said no! you're always sacrificing yourself... and chrollo isn't someone you can trust. he probably has ulterior motives! why don't we just leave to some other hotel? c'mon!" he stressed and my frown only deepened.

alluka was sitting on the couch and worriedly staring over at our bantering. i tried my best not to scare or worry her, though this situation was obviously making her nervous. "what's going on?" she stammered, tightly clutching one of the pillows to ease her anxiety.

my eyes softened at the sight of her before turning back to killua who was also staring at her.

"please killua? i'll be fine. he doesn't have his nen and i didn't sense anyone with him the entire time." i softly whispered. "if i'm too late, your sister will be in danger. worse danger than she is with illumi."

the mention of illumi made his previously tense form falter and a few seconds passed of us staring at each other until he finally allowed his arms to fall by his sides.

"fine... then i'll tag along to make sure everything goes well." he mumbled and i smiled. "okay. talk to your sister for me, will you? she's getting worried." i motioned to the girl who was still staring at us and he nodded before rushing off to her. i watched him crouch down to her height and reassuring her while i anxiously thought over chrollo. i hoped that this little incident didn't delay my arrival by too long.

the boy returned and that's how we ended up like this; with killua standing by my side and glaring daggers at chrollo while i anxiously tapped my foot against the ground, stealing glances at the boy standing by my side to make sure that he didn't act recklessly on his own. thankfully chrollo seemed more amused by the situation than anything and didn't take any hostility in killua's presence.

"i didn't expect you to bring along a zoldyck. i don't recall him being a part of our exchange." he commented, grey eyes moving to stare into my (e/c) ones and i only fought back a sigh. killua wasn't even trying to hide his hostility and hatred. before i could speak, killua took it upon himself to respond, "i'm here 'cuz i don't trust the likes of you to keep promises! i'm gonna protect mom and not let your stup-" before killua could continue insulting the man, i quickly pulled him behind me by his arm- effectively cutting him off. the boy didn't resist and only opted to glare at him from behind me while i fought the urge to grovel at chrollo's feet for forgiveness. i let out a nervous laugh and furiously waved my hand, "he insisted on tagging along..! anyway! here is the promised item." i quickly threw a container of blood to chrollo, who swiftly caught it with his hand. i watched as he held the container close to his eyes and inspected it before pocketing it.

"will that be all?" i asked, fidgeting with my fingers.

he smiled and nodded. "it is. thank you.

however, i ...have something i can't take with me to the dark continent. i will send him your way, and you can handle him however you'd like. you wouldn't mind a 4th zoldyck, would you?"

"haah? what do you think this is? a damn charity center that accepts whatever outrageous requests you throw at them?! you got your stupid blood now-" i put a hand on top of killua's head and shook him a little. the boy shifted his focus to my hand and tried to remove it from his head while i turned to chrollo once more.

the man let out a soft laugh at our small banter and i thanked god that he didn't take any offense to killua's words.

"s-sorry.. but um.. i don't understand. "something. he"? are you sending me one of your spiders?" i stammered nervously, trying to keep my hand on top of killua's head in order to distract him from this.

"mm...well, i'm sure you're quite familair with him. killua's younger brother, kalluto, is 11 years old, making him unfit for the dangerous voyage to the dark continent. you understand me, don't you?"

i was momentarily stunned by his words and my eyes widened. killua was also surprised and he stopped his struggling to stare at the man.

"e-er... so you care?.... about what happens to him?" i blurted out, making killua snort at my words and implication.

we stared at each other for a couple of seconds, where neither of us moved even an inch. however, despite his words, which i earlier thought might've held concern for the boy, his face did not betray such thing. in contrast, his blank and unreadable eyes held nonchalance and indifference which almost made me think that he did not care what happened to the boy.

he finally parted his lips to respond, "...if that's what you interpret it as, sure.

well, it is not a lie that i don't have connections fitting to care for a child. however, should you deny him, then i understand."

i turned to look at killua, who was now frowning. upon seeing his lack of resistance i decided to let go of him. he turned to me and shook his head. i could tell that he was very against the idea and genuinely didn't want any more of his family involved- which makes sense as he doesn't have good relationships with them. illumi seems to have already been enough.

but an 11 year old going to the dark continent..? that's outrageous. even a well trained hunter wouldn't make it- but an 11 year old? it's basically a death wish.

however, I'm not surprised that chrollo doesn't have the fitting connections to put kalluto under their care. I'd expect the majority of his connections to be criminals just like him...

if I denied, I risked a child's life. one that is killua's younger brother, at that. even if he's not so close with him, he's still just a child.

killua seems to realize what my conclusion was based of my expression and his frown only deepened. he turned back to chrollo and continued glaring at him, though now it was only worse. I exhaled deeply before responding, "okay. I'll take him."

chrollo's subtle smile returned to his face and he nodded.

"pleasure doing business with you." he said, before turning around and leaving. 

i was baffled by his compliance, as was killua. we shared a shocked look, before deciding to run off and not test our luck with the man who's potentially most wanted in the world currently.

"holy shit... my heart was hammering in my chest!" killua yelled, running beside me.

i chuckled, "yeah... at least he's decent enough to keep a deal."

"let's return to alluka quickly. she should be alone since gon isn't back yet." 

i nodded, and so we continued rushing through the streets and towards the hotel.


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