Step by Step (A Niall Horan series) Part 7 Tour

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Your P.O.V 

I was relesed from the hospital the next day. We went straight to my house and they put me to rest. No matter what he said, "Y/N you need sleep. Go to bed!" I wouldnt let him leave. I pulled him down with me and we held on to eachother. From that day forword Niall started caring and protecting you, even more than before.

2 weeks later Niall's P.O.V

Oh god what am I going to tell her!?!?!? 'Oh hey Y/N i have to go on a one year tour cya later' UGH I mean, why are these things always so planned out. I have to tell her but how... Dinner thats how I'll tell her. But, I'll do something else... something i have to ask management.

Your P.O.V 7:30 pm

Ok i was ready. Nandos will be fun, we always have fun there. Who knows what tonight will bring? Another kiss? Dancing in the rain? I heard the doorbell ring and i ran downstairs. "Hey princess you look beautiful tonight." Niall says. You blush and he takes you to the car. When you get to Nandos Niall looks distant. I look at him concerned. "Niall?" I asked. He looks at you and responds, "Yes princess?" I frowned at him and asked, "You seem distant, whats up?" He sighed and spilled everything to me, "Y/N I'm going on tour." You frowned and looked down. He lifted your chin and said, "And, if you want you can come with." You looked into his eyes and smiled big, seeming to glow in happieness. "Of course Niall, I would love to go on tour with you." He smiled and hugged you. You two ate and went down the same path you went down on your first date. It started to rain... again... And you kissed another time in the rain. When we got to my house I grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs. You two laid in bed and cuddled, never wanting the night to leave your grasps.

4 days later

"Y/N come on we're going to be late," Niall yelled from the kitchen. You smiled. Tour... I was going on tour. "Coming Ni" you hollered back. You finished packing and ran the stairs like a marathon, so exited and eager to see London. When you arrived at the bottom and looked around, wondering where Niall was. He picked you up by the waste and spun you around. You giggled and he hugged you tight. "Oh Y/N i love it when your so happy, it's like your glowing!" He said. You pulled away from the hug and went over to Caroline, who was crying. I pulled her in for a hug and spoke, "Caro... Don't cry it will just make this harder." She nooded and I held her there for a minute before Niall said we had to go. I kissed her goodbye and we got into the car and drove to the airport. WHen we got there the boys and Paul were waiting. You were caried through crowds of fans and to a private jet. We boarded it and set off. You fell asleep in Niall's arms, wishing for this to last forever.

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