chater 1 the beginning

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n was in the ship waiting for v and j form there hunting.

n:looks like there gonna take more time than usual. I think I should visit uzi

n leaves the ship and Flys to the colony and  he see uzi
waiting for him.he land in front of uzi.
uzi blush when n landed in front of her
(because she secretly have a crush of him)

n:hey uzi (n said)

uzi:oh hey n (still blushing)

n:so what's up (happily ask)

(uzi blush more because of his cuteness)

(but n noticed it and ask)

n:uzi are ok?(with worried expression)

uzi:of course it just ummm(trying to make an excuse) you know maybe v and j is looking for you now.

n:oh your right they must be back now
see you later uzi.
uzi:yeah later idiot.(my idiot uzi though to her self)
(n spread his wings and fly's back to the ship)

uzi's pov
I should have make an excuse where I
could be with him alone(chuckles while

(back to n)

the sun is already rising I better get back

v and j pov(there already in the ship)

v:where the heck is he?(angrily said)

j:probably go out to see that purple freak(said rudely)

v:sun is already rising and he still
n-(v's sentence cuts when n arrives

n:im back

v:n!!(hugs him tightly)

n:sorry I go out without telling you both

j:it's ok (jealously said)

n:so since the sun already up I guess
we should sleep now


v:I guess

they all sleep together

(while cyn is watching them secretly)
n you will be mine(cyn said while laughing)

end of chapter 1

N's unexpected experience(Nxharem)YanderesWhere stories live. Discover now