Scene 10

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The day has turned into night. Stars light up the sky. We pan from the midnight sky to the interior of the Ravenclaw dorms, where Laney is seen sitting on her bed, reading Alice in Wonderland.

Scarlett, Matilda, Girl 1, and Girl 2 enter the room, laughing to each other. They ignore Laney.

Girl 1: He’s so pathetic!

Girl 2: Right? A total weirdo!

The girls laugh. Laney looks up from her book, feeling it necessary to take part in the conversation.

Laney: Who are you talking about?

All of the girls’ heads turn to her.

Matilda: We’re talking about Frank. You know, Professor Longbottom’s son?

Laney: Oh, him. I rode with him on the carriage.

Girl 2: Isn’t he just annoying?

Laney: Oh, well, I don’t really think so. I don’t know him that well, but he seems quite nice!

Scarlett: Well, he’s not! He’s a sore to his own name! He can hardly stand up without tripping over his own feet!

Matilda: Honestly, he’s a bit embarrassing. I’d hate to be seen around him.

Laney sits there, feeling awkward herself. The girls continue chatting. The camera zooms into Laney, getting a face view before going black.

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