Im Sorry

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Maya's POV
Today me and Caleb are going shopping for the babies since we know the gender. I get up and put on some pants since I'm only like a month and a few weeks I still can fit in my clothes and I'm not showing.

I also put on a black v-neck with my red converse. I put my hair in a side fishtail and put some light make up on. I grabbed my purse and headed next door to Caleb's.

Caleb's POV
Today me and Maya are going shopping for the babies. I get dressed and wait for Maya. Moments later I heard a knock. I opened the door and it revealed my girlfriend looking beautiful as ever.

"You look gorgeous like always" "Caleb stop your making me blush but thanks anyways" "what its the truth"
After talking for awhile we finally pulled up to BabiesRUS.

After about 5 hours and 300 dollars later we got most of the things we needed since we are not having a baby shower. When we got home my mom let Caleb spends the night but he had to sleep on an air mattress on the floor.

About three-thirtyish I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach and warm liquid going down my leg. I touched it and it was blood I started freaking out.

I screamed for my mom which caused Caleb to wake up. Then everything went black.

Caleb's POV
I woke up to Maya screaming for her mom. There was blood running down her leg. I called 911 then I called for her mom.

The ambulance showed up and only two people could go in there so me and her dad went in there. We finally arrived at the hospital and they took her back to run some test and things like that.

Maya's POV
I woke up to wires in my arms and a crying mum and dad and Caleb. I was freaked out because I didn't know what was happening. Then the doctor came in.

Hello Miss.Sholts how are you feeling.
Confused what's is going.
I'm sorry to inform that you lost one of your babies.
Right then in there I bursted into tears. Even though I never got to meet it I will never be able to love it.

I have a question which of my babies died since I was having a girl and a boy.
Its was the baby boy I'm sorry for your loss
How is my girl doing
We checked her out and everything is OK with her.
When can I go home
We want to keep you over night just to make sure everything is OK

Heys guys sorry for not updating. I not gonna be updating for a while because I'm gonna hang out with goobie_lol tommrow and I'm leaving in a few day for vacation so yeah I have pick a name for a girl and it is going to be Sophia Marie and thank you camiilaat for commenting the name. I liked your boy name but the baby boy passed.:-(

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