Don't Leave Me

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Maya POV
Today is the day Caleb and his family leave to go home. Mine and his faimly are going out to breakfeast together.

So I get up and put on pink tank top with my long black skirt and my black flats. I head downstairs and see my mom and Caleb's mom talking.

Moments later Caleb, Annie,Hayely and Eliza came downstairs. We all got in a car my parents and Caleb's parents got in my mom's car.

Caleb drove my car since I couldn't drive with avbroken foot. So it was me,Caleb ,Annie, Hayley, and Eliza.
We were listening to music when Annie spoke up.

Our Conversation
Maya:M. Annie:A. Caleb:C
A: if you don't mind me asking how did you break your foot.
C: Annie don't me noisy
M: no its fine I was practicing my beam routine for the qualifying meet and I went for my backhand spring and I rolled my ankle and hit my head on the floor then blacked out
A: ohh that sound hurtful
M: what's level are you in again
A: level 10 what level are you in
M: I'm on the elite gymnastics team so level 12ish
A:oh what age did you start gymnastics
M: uhh around 2

After we talked we finally arrived at Denny's. We got our table and ordered our food. While we were waiting for our food Caleb's mom spoke up.

Our Conversation
Katie: K. Caleb:C. Maya:M.
K: how long as it been since you two started dating
M and C: about 2 months
C: why
K: just asking

After we talked for awhile our food cane and we ate. After we were done we headed back to the house cause Caleb was leaving in an hour.

When we got home me and caleb watched TV in my room. Until his.parents called him down. We all hoped in the car to go to the airport.

I just layed my head on Caleb's shoulder and cried. "Caleb why do you have to leave". " I don't want to but I have to". "I love you" as he gave me a kiss on the lips. Until my mom buted in.

We finally got to the airport and I said bye to his parents and his siblings. Now to say goodbye to Caleb. I hugged him and gave him a long kiss.

I heard my dad " say alright that's enough. But my mom said "leave them alone there seventeen" I gave him one late hug and one last very long kiss.

We all got in the car and my mom sat in the back with me. I just cried into her shoulder. Until she spoke up "Maya I know its hard but you will see him again" "ya but who knows when mom it just hard he is the only guy I ever really truly love.

I said playing with my promise ring " hey who got you that ring". " Caleb did " "that boy is so sweet" "I know mom that's why I love him"

After we got home we just watched TV all day.

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