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4 months later
Maya is five months pregnant
Maya's POV
Today one of my friends from the gym (Lisa) we are going shopping and hanging out. I wake up and put on a long black skirt since I'm five months pregnant I can't fit in any of my close.

Also I put on a white flowery top with my original converse. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on light make up. After I got ready I went downstairs to get something to eat.

While I was eating my mom came downstairs. She sat down and we started taking.

Our conversation
M.Maya. E.Elizabeth
E. Maya I have a question
M.OK what is it
E. why don't you want a baby shower
M. because I'm 18 I don't think it's right showering me with gifts for becoming pregnant at a young age
E. Maya we don't think of it like that
M.I know but still
E. OK what ever you say
M. Lisa just texted me she is here love you bye
E. love you bye

Lisa's POV
I got to Maya's house. She came out and we headed to the mall.
First we went to a maternity store so Maya could get some new clothes.

I'm trying to distract her because they are having a baby shower for her. Maya came out in a really pretty peach dress. Maya you look so pretty. No I don't I look fat and ugly. You are not fat you are pregnant.

What ever I don't think I should buy it. Why not it fits perfectly. Are you sure. Yes totally. Let's go get something to eat in hungry.

We headed to the food court to get something. I got Panda Express and Maya had Hot On A Stick.

While we were eating Maya was saying how she wanted to go home so told her we will go to one more store then that's it. I decided to text Caleb to see if everything was ready.

Is everything ready Maya wants to go home


OK maya are you ready to go. Yes I'm tired.

Maya's POV
After shopping for awhile Lisa drove me home. I invited her in and when I opened the door and it was dark which was weird considering that its only 3:30pm.

I turned the light on and a whole bunch of people yelled surprise. I started getting emotionally you know with a the hormones.

I hugged my mom and dad and kissed Caleb. We just hung out and I opened presents and it was everything I needed. I starting crying again because I'm so thankful for how supporting my family and friends are.

Then it was time for a speech before everyone left. Thank you everyone for coming and doing this for me I can't explain how much I love all of you. You guys are so amazing and can't imagine my life with out all of you.

By the end of the speech I was full on bawling. Caleb came up and hugged me and kissed me. God how muchi love him

After everyone left I helped pick up then I went to bed and it was hard to fall asleep because the baby kept kicking. I  called Caleb  over so he could feel her.I just laied in his arms and slowly drifted into deep and pieceful sleep.

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